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Page:A Treatise of the Covenant of Grace (John Ball).djvu/46

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Of the Covenant of Promise.

Christ was truly and unfainedly acknowledged in the Church of the Jewes. The word of God is the measure of faith, and that is true and saving faith, which believeth all things which are revealed, and in that manner wherein they are revealed, and therefore the faith of the Fathers was sound and effectuall, because they believed what God was pleased to reveale, and after that manner wherein it was revealed of God.

A Third difference ariseth from this; for Christ with all his benefits was proposed to the Israelites under types and figures. Exod. 24.7.8.
Heb. 10.1.
Gal. 3.16.
Heb. 8.1,2 &
Rom. 3.25.
1 John 2.2.
Heb. 3.18. &
As the Priests, Altars, Sacrifices, Propitiatory, were all types of Christ his Priest-hood and Sacrifice: and the Land of Canaan a type of Heaven: the Lord leading the Jewes by the help of earthly things to heavenly and spirituall, because they were but young and tender: which was one cause why the Covenant was more obscure, heavenly things being wrapt up under earthly. But in the new Covenant Christ is offered to be seene with open face; the truth, substance and body of the things themselves is exhibited; and all vaile of figures removed, our minds are streight directed to heavenly blessednesse.

4. The variety of administration doth offer a fourth difference: Gal. 4.12 &
for the Apostle compares the Nation of the Jewes to an heire as yet an Infant, that is under Tutours and Governours. The Christian Church to an heire come to ripe yeares.

And from this ariseth a fifth difference, Gal. 5.1.That as an heire not come to yeares, not differing from a servant, the Church was held under the Ceremoniall Law, from which they that believe in Christ are delivered after the expiration of the time of nourture appointed of the Father.

Sixthly they differ in the number of them that are called to the participation of the Covenant. Deut. 32.8.
Math. 10.5.6
& 15.24.
The Covenant of promise was at first concluded within the Families of the Patriarkes, the rest having excommunicated themselves, and then within the confines or limits of Judea: that in the Jewes there might be a most illustrious type of Election, and of rejection in the Gentiles, that is, of the Church of God and Sathan. But the partition wall betwixt Jew & Gentile being broken downe, the Covenant of grace was made with all Nations.

Gen. 22.18.
Deut. 19.8,9.
Seventhly, the efficacy of Christ promised is lesser then of Christ exhibited. In the Covenant of promise, certaine promises con-cerning