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Of the Covenant of Promise.

cerning corporall blessings, were made unto the Fathers: and externall blessings were more esteemed, as Symbols of spirituall and heavenly: But under the New Covenant, blessings spirituall, and the gifts and graces of the Spirit are in more ample and plentifull manner powred upon the Church. Remission of sinnes though it was certaine with God, was lesse felt under the Covenant of Promise, because the cloud of the Law put betwixt the mercy of God and the eye of the soule; the grace of God was more obscurely revealed, and the meanes of expiating sinne by the death of Christ; as also because remission of sinnes was not really obtained by our surety, for as yet he had not made the satisfaction promised. The Spirit was powred in lesse plenty upon the faithfull: Joh 3.34.
Joh. 1.16. &
Joel 2. 28.
because that benefit was to be reserved to the times of Christ, who was first to receive the Spirit above measure in his humane nature, and thence to derive grace unto all us. The Jewes as heires were partakers of the Spirit of Adoption, but tempered with the sprit of Servitude, Rom 8.15.
Gal 4.6.
because they were Infants, under the yoke of the Law, the way to heaven not as yet clearely manifested: But the heire come to ripe yeares, is altogether led by the Spirit of Adoption. The sense of future glory was also more obscure, because there is more obscure mention of it, and of the way thereunto in the Old Testament. If we speake of some particular persons under the first Covenant, they were endued with greater gifts of the Spirit then many under the New: but more light of knowledge, and greater plenty and abundance of Grace is bestowed upon the Church in the time of the Gospell, if we respect the body of the Church and faithfull in Generall.

Eighthly, the seales of the Covenant of promise were in number more, in signification more obscure, in use painfull and burdensome, peculiar to some people as the Covenant was, and to continue only untill the time of reformation: But the seales of the New Testament are in number few, in signification cleare, in use easy, common to all nations, and to endure for ever.

And from these grounds it may be concluded, That though the Fathers being delivered from the Tabernacle of the body, were made partakers of life eternall in Heaven. Heb. 8.6.
& 10:20.
yet they had not before Christ that perfect state in Heaven, which now we and they are presently possessed of: Heb. 11.39,40.for they were not to be perfected without us, as neither shall we be perfected before that blessed day of the secondcomming