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made with Adam immediately upon his fall.

former Covenant, which he had made with their Fathers, when he brought them out of Egypt. Jer. 23. 5, 6, 7, 8. The first breaking forth of this gratious and free Promise and Covenant was immediately upon the fall, and is expressed in these words, Gen. 3.15.I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed, and her seed: He shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heele. Herein God setting downe the irrevocable judgement and finall overthrow and destruction of Satan, the arch-enemy of his glory, and mans Salvation, Gods fearefull doomes-man: into whose power man was now fallen, he proclaimeth his rich grace and mercy towards mankind in Jesus Christ, the womans seed, who should breake the Serpents head. In the malediction of the Serpent is included the greatest blessing of God most mercifull towards miserable and wretched sinners. In reference to this gratious antient Proclamation of mercy ἐυαγγέλιον αἰωνιον.
Apoc. 14.6.
ἓρημοι αἰώνιοι.
Isai. 58.12 & 61.4
τριβα αἰώνια.[errata 1]
Jer. 6.16. & 18.16
βουνοὶ αἰωνιοι.
Deut. 33.15.
Gen. 49.26.
Isai. 54.4.
αἰσχύμα[errata 2] αἰώνιος.
Jer. 5.12
πρόσταγμα αἰώνιον.
the Gospel is called everlasting. Revel. 14. 6. I saw another Angel flying through the middest of Heaven, having the everlasting Gospell, not in respect of the future, but of the time past, scil. which was promised from the beginning of the world. For as the hils, paths, and desolations are said to be everlasting or antient, so the Gospell, that is from the beginning.

This first Promise of grace and life was published by the Lord himselfe to mankind now dead in sinne, and enemies to God, that as they had heard from him the curse against sinne, and saw and felt the same in part executed upon them, so they should heare from him the promise of absolution, lest they should be swallowed up in despaire. When they should heare peace proclaimed by the Author of Peace and Judgement, both by him that was immediately provoked and offended by sinne, and came now to sentence the transgressours: when they should heare peace proclaimed by him in his owne person, by his owne voyce, it must needs put more life and encouragement into them, then if the glad tidings had been brought by some Messenger, or divulged by some Herauld only.

The party upon whom the Promises of mercy are setled, is here propounded as the seed of the woman, and under the next degree as the seed of Abraham: Mal. 3.1.
Eph. 1.22.
Joh. 3.18
Gal. 4.4.
called the Angel of the Covenant, The head of all things to the Church: even Jesus Christ the only begotten Sonne of God, who being God over all blessed for ever.Rom.

  1. Correction: τριβα αἰώνια. should be amended to τρίβοι αἰώνιοι.
  2. Correction: αἰσχύμα should be amended to αἰσχυνή