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Of the Covenant of Promise

ming of Christ, wherein the body of Christ, that is, the Church, shall be absolute and perfect every way. Not to insist upon this, that the former Tabernacle standing, the way to the Holiest was not fully manifested, and that there must be some proportion betwixt the manifestation of the way unto and sense of the future life, in this life, in them that be of ripe age, and the fruition of it in the life to come: This is certaine, the Fathers who died before Christ, did expect in Heaven their Redeemer, on whom they had beleeved for forgivenesse of sinne and life everlasting: even as soules now expect the Resurrection of the body, the second appearance of Christ to Judgement, in regard of which things they are not perfected. Now hence followed a want of much light and joy, which on the sight of Christ, God man, entring the Heavens, did redound unto them: as we in earth now have not the fulnesse of joy which then we shall have, when we shall see the accomplishment of what we expect.

C h a p.   V.

Of the Covenant of Promise made with Adam immediately upon his fall.

THe Covenant of Promise began immediately upon the fall, and reached unto the comming of Christ in the flesh, which is obscure in comparison of the new Covenant, but in it selfe receiveth distinction of degrees, according to the severall breakings out of it to the darke world, and the growth from severall manifestations of God, as was proportionable to the number and qualities of those, who in succeeding ages should take benefit: so that at first being like a young sapling, it grew to be firme, alwayes a fruitfull tree. In Scripture it is delivered unto us under these degrees of growth, both in respect of fuller and more cleare manifestation, and as we may suppose of numbers that received benefit by it. First, from Adam untill Abraham. Secondly, from Abraham untill the Covenant made with Israel upon the Mount. Thirdly, from Moses to Christ: which must be subdistinguished: for the Covenant which God did promise to make with Israel and Judah upon the delivery from the North Countrey, was to exceed theformer