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Of the Covenant of Grace

or Magistrate, whose service in it selfe is farre more honourable: yea, if his integrity be greater, his comfort also shall be greater. For God regards not so much the matter, as the forme of obedience: nor so much the thing done, as the affection wherewith we doe it. Wise men regard more the mind of the giver, then the value of the gift. When we first give our hearts wholly and entirely to God, then is our service, how small soever, very acceptable unto his Majesty. It is not the greatnesse or multitude of those good workes which we have done, but the good disposition of an honest and entire heart in the doing of them, that doth bring comfort, as the internall qualification of that faith, which makes a sound plea for mercy before the throne of grace. An halting heart dasheth the acceptance of the most glorious worke: an entire heart addeth weight to the basest service. The widdowes mite was little in worth, had not her good heart raised it's price. In value it came farre short of the superfluities that the rich men cast into the treasury; but her heart was better, and so her gift greater then theirs. When Hezekiah had received the sentence of death, what was his comfort? even this, the conscience of his integrity. Isa. 38.3.O Lord remember how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart. This was his refuge, though the good workes he had done were in regard of his calling of the highest note, the restoring of the true worship of God, the purging of the defiled Temple and Priest-hood; yet he did not comfort himselfe in these so worthy workes, but in the perfection of his heart, knowing well that the worke it selfe, though never so glorious, is of no esteeme, if the heart be rotten, perverse or halting. Prov. 11.20.The entire in heart are the Lords delight, greatly beloved of him for the present, and shall more fully see, feele and enjoy the comfort and happinesse of his favour in time to come. Ps. 84.11.The Lord God will with-hold no good from them that walke in integrity: for Isa. 60.19.he is both their Sunne and Shield, he will give grace and glory. As the Sunne doth illustrate, cherish and quicken all things with its heate and light: So doth the Lord visit the entire, and refresh them by his Spirit, yea, and as a Shield protect them from all evill. Prov. 2.21.The perfect shall remaine in the Land for ever and leave their inheritance unto their children. Prov. 28.10.Who so causeth the righteous to goe astray in an evill way, he shall fall himselfe into his owne pit: but the entire shall have good things in possession, and Prov. 20.7.their children after them shall be blessed.The