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as it was made and manifested to Abraham.

The effect and token of integrity is a setled, wel-advised and deliberate desire, resolution, will and endeavour to be enformed, what is good and acceptable in the sight of God, and to direct his wayes at all times, and in all places according to rule of righteousnesse: for he aimes at one marke, and pitcheth upon the right object. Prov. 20.7.The just man walketh in his integrity. It is the commendation of David, that he 1 King. 15.5.did that which was right in the sight of God, and turned not aside from any thing that was commanded all the daies of his life.

The fruits of this resolution are these and such like;

First, there is no sin though never so deare, precious or profitable, which a perfect Christian would not willingly espy out and judge in himselfe, Psal. 38.18.I will declare mine iniquity, I will be sorrie for my sinne.

Secondly, it workes a dislike of sinne in all, even in those which be most neare and deare unto us.

Thirdly, 1 Ki. 15.13,14.
Ps. 18.23
2 Sam. 22.24.
It is joyned with a continuall care to preserve himselfe innocent from all sin, especially his particular and formerly beloved transgressions. I was perfect before him, and I kept my selfe from mine iniquity.

Fourthly, In all conditions he will looke to himselfe, that he be not carried away with unbridled passions. In regard of severall states, men are subject to be transported with diverse affections, as with pride, pleasure, security in prosperity, impatience, fretting, discontent in adversity. Wherefore the entire Christian doth ever look to his heart, that it be not distempered with these things.

Fifthly, If the heart be entire with God, it will Prov. 21.29.admit his word for direction in all things. Psal. 119.24.Thy testimonies are my delight and my Counsellours, that is, they governe my mind and heart, of them I take advice. Psal. 18.22.
2 Sam. 22.23.
All thy judgements were before me: and I did not put away thy Statutes from me.

Sixthly, They that are entire are said to have fulfilled after the Lord,Isa. 14.8,9,14. that is, fully or entirely to have followed himNumb. 32.11., Deut. 1. 36. Numb. 14. 24.

Seventhly, The perfect man putteth away froward and perverse speeches. The poore that walketh in his integrity is opposed to him that is perverse in his lips, that speaketh froward things.Eighthly,