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Of the Covenant of Grace

Eighthly, His care is to keep himself unspotted of the world, Prov. 19.1.
Amos 5.10
doing that which is honest, pure, praise-worthy in the sight of God and man. This note the Prophet David giveth; for having said, Psal. 119.1,3.Blessed are the undefiled in the way, he teacheth us to discern them by this effect, surely they doe no iniquity.

Ninthly, He will Job 2.9,10.receive evill at the hands of God thankfully, as well as good, and blesse his name, when he crosseth his desires, and taketh from him what he delights in, as well as when he granteth the desire of his heart in outward blessings.

Tenthly, An entire heart is 1 Chron. 29.19.ready prepared to serve God, Mark 10.21.
Mat. 19.21.
to part with any thing be it never so deare for Christ, and to suffer any thing be it never so hard for Christs sake.

Eleventhly, He that walketh in his integrity will deale conscionably at home and abroad, in all duties of his generall and particular vocation towards all men. Ps. 101.1,2.
Joh. 2.8.
2 Chron. 28.9.
I will walke in the midst of mine house in the integrity of mine heart. I will set no evill thing before mine eyes.

Lastly, He presseth towards the marke, and aimes at an higher degree of holinesse, Phil. 3. 13, 14, 15. One thing I doe, I forget that which is behind, and endeavour hard forward towards the marke, 2 Cor. 7. 1.

Integrity is the gift of God, infused into the heart by the holy Ghost; but in this respect we may not neglect the meanes ordained of God for the attainment and preservation of it. God and none but he did place David in the hill Syon, and give Gideon victory over the Midianites, as they both well knew, and firmely beleeved: but their beleef did not emasculate their minds, or tie their hands from using such strength and valour, as they had.

First, Care must be had to furnish the mind with the affectionate knowledge of God in Christ Jesus. 1 Chron. 28.9.And thou Solomon my sonne, know thou the God of thy Fathers, and serve him with a perfect heart. The knowledge of God begets in us a similitude of God. When we come to understand what he is to us, we are made to him what he requireth. As when sound knowledge entereth, it stampeth the Image of God upon the heart: for it assimulates the mind to the object seen and discerned.

2. All holy meanes must be used to incorporate the word into the heart, that it may season every affection, and beare mild universall Soveraignty over us. For the heart is trans-formed through-out