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Page:A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism - Volume 1.djvu/411

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For the potential in the third medium we find


If the first medium is the same as the third, then and and the potential on the other side of the plate will be


If the plate is a very much better conductor than the rest of the medium, is very nearly equal to 1 . If the plate is a nearly perfect insulator, is nearly equal to -1, and if the plate differs little in conducting power from the rest of the medium, is a small quantity positive or negative.

The theory of this case was first stated by Green in his 'Theory of Magnetic Induction (Essay, p. 65). His result, however, is correct only when is nearly equal to 1[1]. The quantity which he uses is connected with by the equations

If we put we shall have a solution of the problem of the magnetic induction excited by a magnetic pole in an infinite plate whose coefficient of magnetization is .

On Stratified Conductors.

319.] Let a conductor be composed of alternate strata of thickness and of two substances whose coefficients of conductivity are different. Required the coefficients of resistance and conductivity of the compound conductor.

Let the plane of the strata be normal to Let every symbol relating to the strata of the second kind be accented, and let every symbol relating to the compound conductor be marked with a bar thus, . Then

We must first determine and in terms of and from the equations of resistance, Art. 297, or those

  1. See Sir W. Thomson's 'Note on Induced Magnetism in a Plate,' Camb. and Dub. Math. Journ., Nov. 1845, or Reprint, art. ix. § 156.