lying on the back; objects turn black.
Pulsatilla.—Vertigo from disordered stomach; from grease and pastries; worse in the evening, and in rising from a seat.
Nux vom.—If caused from overwork mentally; constipation or the abuse of stimulants or patent nostrums.
Aconite.—Violent headache; fullness and heaviness in the forehead; vertigo when rising from a seat. Sun pains beginning in the morning, increasing till noon, and decreasing as the Sun goes down, ceasing during night; on left side principally.
Alumina.—Throbbing pain; better when lying quiet; headache from constipation.
Camphor.—Pain in the cerebellum; after sunstroke; better when lying down; staggering; dizziness; worse on motion.
Arnica.—Principally over the eyes; if caused from a blow or fall; darting pain; face and head hot, body cool; vomiting.
Arsenicum.—Periodical headache; great weight in the forehead; beating pain; vomiting after eating of drinking; constant thirst; anxiety and fear of death; worse during rest and better by motion.
Bryonia.—Pains begin on waking in the