morning; pain as if the head would split; worse from motion; wants to keep perfectly still; lips dry, parched and cracked.
Calc. carb.—Chronic headache: pain in the forehead; throbbing pain in the morning and continuing all day; feeling of coldness in the head: worse by motion.
Chamomilla.—Caused from catarrh or abuse of coffee; drawing pain in one side of the head; shooting or throbbing in the forehead; one cheek red and the other pale; pain almost drives the patient mad.
China.—Ringing in the ears: weak, fainting spells; worse every other day; from loss of blood or animal fluids.
Cocculus.—Headache from riding; throbbing headache, worse in the evening; worse from talking, noise, or bright light.
Coffee.—Nervous headache; sleeplesness; pain as if a nail was driven into the brain;, worse from noise; head feels too small.
Ignatia.—Boring pain in the forehead; pain as if a nail was driven out the side of head: after grief; better when quiet.
Ipecac.—Vomiting most prominent feature; brain feels bruised; sick headache.
Nux vom.—Stupefying headache: worse in the morning; stomach derangement.