Page:A Treatise on Medical Astrology.djvu/47

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es in the throat; hoarse, croupy cough; phlegm loose and choking.

Ipecacuanha.—Fluent coryza; rattling of phlegm in chest which does not yield to coughing; vomiting of mucus.

Lachesis.—Fluent discharge from the nose and running from the eyes; dryness of the mouth; tight clothing excites coughing and suffocation; worse after sleep.

Mercury sol.—Frequent sneezing and watery discharge from the nose; short, dry cough, worse at night.

Nux vom.—Fluent discharge from the nose during the day, dry at night: the side of the nose which he lies on becomes stopped up; irritable and cranky.

Pulsatilla.—Discharge of a yellowish, fetid mucus from the nose; takes cold easily: worse in evening and from warmth.

Sulphur.—Discharge of clear water from the nose; loss of voice, taste, and smell.

Loss of voice in the morning with paralysis of the tongue, requires, caus. Complete loss of voice, with roughness of the larnyx and windpipe, requires phos.


Aconite.—Short, dry cough; worse from smoking, drinking, and at night.