Arsenicum.—Dry cough, with a sense of suffocation; shortness of breath.
Bell.—Dry, spasmodic cough; sensation of dust in the throat; redness and heat of the face; worse at night.
Bryonia.—Dry cough, compelling one to sit up in bed at night; feels as though head and chest would fly to pieces in coughing.
Causticum.—Short, dry cough; worse in the evening until midnight; relieved by drinking cold water; soreness of throat.
Hepar s.—Croupy cough; rattling, choking cough; worse after midnight.
Hyos.—Dry, spasmodic cough; worse at night, and when lying down; relieved by sitting up; bluish color of the face.
Ipecac.—Dry cough; children almost suffocate when coughing; vomiting.
Mercury sol.—Dry cough; spitting of blood; worse at night and in wet weather.
Phos.—Dry cough; worse from talking and drinking; tightness in the chest.
Pulsat.—Dry cough; worse at night, and when lying down; going off by sitting up.
Sulphur.—Loose cough; expectoration of greenish lumps having a sweet taste; worse in the morning.
See Colds, and Croup also.