Kublai Khan, 49, 74.
Kung-tan, 214.
Kwang-chou-wan, 7, 9; bay of, 7.
Kwangtung, province of, 51, 105, 316.
Kwei-chou, 55.
Kweilu, the, river-steamer, 221.
aspect and effects of, 138; strength of, in Mongolia, 279, 280; said to be encouraged by Chinese Government, 281; its effect on the people, 281, 282; a
"black travesty" of Buddhism, 282.Tuerin, 268; of Bogdo, at Urga,
277, 278.Lao-Kai, 18-20.
Laughter, the universal solvent, 60.
Leng Chi, 115.
Lesser Trail, the, 140 ff.
trade of Yunnan, 26; and the
Pien-ma question, 30.Li Ping, 167.
Li-chou, 86, 87.
Lime juice, merits of, 240, 241.
"Lincoln," 31.
Literatus. See Interpreter.
Little, Archibald, 116, 209.
Liu, chair coolie, 79, 84.
dismissed at Hankow, 224; 38, 45, 48, 56, 86, 103, 110, 140, 178,
188, 202, 203, 211.Liu Sha River, 104.
Loess country, the, 228.
Lo-han, 182.
75; neighborhood of, complicates travel in the Chien Ch'ang, 75; measures taken by government thereanent, 77;
92.75, 76; their ethnological status a problem, 76, 77; their proper appellation uncertain, 76, 77;
89, 90, 91, 92, 98, 189.Losus, in Yunnan, 50.
only connecting link between China and Tibet, 116, 117; 115,
139, 142, 145, 161.Lu-Han R.R., 225, 227, 228.
Lu-ku, 88.
Ma-An Shan Pass, 145, 154.
cities in Urga, 275, 276; the Chinese trading settlement,
276.Mai-ma-chin, on the Siberian frontier, 302.
Manchuria, 55, 236.