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Page:A Wayfarer in China.djvu/406

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Mandarin language, some form of, spoken by five sixths of the people of China, 317.

Mandarin Road, the, 104 ff.

Manners, in China, 129.

Mekong River, 71.

Mencius, quoted, 312.

"Mercury," coolie, 107.

Miaos, in Yunnan, 50.

Mien-ning, 89.

Military schools, in Yunnan, 28.

Military spirit, in Yunnan, 27.

Min River, travelling on, 202 ff.; name unknown to the Chinese, 203; native names for, 203; scenery on, 203, 204; 64, 73, 178, 180.

Ming dynasty, fall of, 171.

Ming Shan (mountain), famous for tea, 163.

Ming Shan-hsien, 163.

Missionaries, at Ya-chou, 158; status of, in China, 158, 159; at Chengtu, 174; at Chung-king, 208.

Mohammedan rebellion, 50, 54.

Mohammedans in Yunnan, 50.

Monasteries on Omei Shan, picturesque names of, 193.
Monastery of Ten Thousand Years. See Wan-nien Ssu.

Monastery of the Voice of the Waters, 182.

Money, arrangements for, 37, 38; Yunnan dollars, 37; Szechuan coins, 37; Hupeh money, 37, 38; difficulties concerning, 97, 98; for the Mongolian journey, 241.

Mongol city, in Urga, 277.

Mongolia, and China, meet at Kalgan, 235; prospective attractions of, 236, 237 ; preparing for travelling in, 237 ff.; stores, 240, 242, 243; money, 241; on the road from Kalgan, 243 ff.;the "Camel Road" chosen, 245; exports of, mostly animals, 245; post-routes across, 245, 246; Russian influence in, 246; first impressions of, 247; the grassland, 247 ff., 259; inns in, 248; tents or huts ("yurts") in, 248-250; "the unchanging East," 248; the women and children of, 250, 251, 260, 261; topographical description of, 251, 252; population of, 253; government of 253; opium habit in, 255; wives come high in, 261; Chinese unwelcome aliens in, 276; lamaism in, 279, 280. And see Gobi Desert and Mongolia, Northern.
Mongolia, Northern, rainy season in, 270-272; trade of, controlled by Chinese of Mai-ma-chin, 276; extension of Russian influence in, 284, 285; railway connection would be advantageous to, 285; hold of Chinese Government on, insecure, 285, 286; colonization of, by Chinese, 285, 286.

Mongolian plateau, the, 247 ff.

Mongolian Road, 244.

Mongolian tents. See Tents.

Mongolian women. See Women, Mongolian.

Mongols, material position of, 253, lazy, 254; their herds, 254; neither manufacturers nor tillers of the soil, 254; as tea-drinkers, 254; great endurance of, 254; intemperate, 254, 255, 260; fine horsemen, 255; degenerate sons of a conquering race, 255; oppressed by Chinese, not by China, 260; eye-diseases of,