265; effect of lamaism on, 282; prefer Russians to Chinese, 285; not China, but civilization is driving them to the wall, 296, 297.
Mongols, Northern, 268, 270.
Monks, of Burma, their Buddhism, 282.
Morrison, George B., 237, 238.
Moscow, 236.
Namti River, 18, 21 ; valley of, 15, 21.
Nan River, 165.
Nankow, 233, 234.
Nankow, Pass of, 228.
Napoleon III, 8.
Ni T'ou, 111, 121.
Nicholas II, Tsar, 306.
Nicolai, 292, 295.
Omei, Mount. See Omei Shan.
Omei River, 184, 187.
ascent of, 187 ff.; myths and legends concerning, 188, 189; monasteries on, 190, 193, 194; memories of a three days' stay on the summit of, 194-199; wherein its charm consists, 198,
199, 280.Manchu government adverse
to, 26.
Pai-chang, hiring a pony at, 163-165.
Pai-la shu (white- wax tree), 73.
Pailou (memorial arch), 104, 105.
Palm-leaf hats, 19, 20.
Pao-an-ying, 95.
Paper, substitute for glass in West China, 40.
Pechihli, Gulf of, 228.
of, 228, 229; the Tartar Wall, 229 ff.; the divers cities of, 230; viewed from the Wall, 231, 232; the American Legation, 232; the streets, 232 ; to the average European its history begins in 1900, 233; preparing for Mongolian journey at, 237 ff.; 24,
163, 176, 222, 223, 280.Peking cart, an instrument of torture, 243, 244.
Peking railway, the. See Lu-Han R.R.
People's Assembly, the, 230.
Photographing, in Szechuan, 156.
Pien-ma boundary question, 29, 30.
Pilgrim to Lhasa, the, 112.
P'ing-i-p'u, 98, 99.
Pongkiong, 260.
Ponies, Yunnanese, 34, 35.
Yunnan, 26; banished from
Chien Ch'ang, 72, 94."Pork money," 36, 96, 97.