De.'s inference that Lot's spiritual vision was less clear than Abraham's may be edifying, but is hardly sound.—2b. The refusal of the invitation may be merely a piece of Oriental politeness, or it may contain a hint of the purpose of the visit (1821). In an ordinary city it would be no great hardship to spend the night in the street: Lot knows only too well what it would mean in Sodom.
4-11. The assault of the Sodomites.—4. They had not yet retired to rest when, etc.] That all the men of the
city were involved in the attack is affirmed with emphasis
((Hebrew characters): v.i.): an instance of the 'shamelessness' of Sodom
(Is. 39).—5. The unnatural vice which derives its name
from the incident was viewed in Israel as the lowest depth
of moral corruption: cf. Lv. 1822ff. 2013. 23, Ezk. 1650,
Ju. 1922.—6-8. Lot's readiness to sacrifice the honour of
his daughters, though abhorrent to Hebrew morality
(cf. Ju. 1925. 30), shows him as a courageous champion of
the obligations of hospitality in a situation of extreme
embarrassment, and is recorded to his credit. Cf. 1213ff.—8.
inasmuch as they have come under the shadow (i.e.
'protection') of my roof-tree] (
Hebrew characters), 'beam' (like (
Greek characters)), for
'house.'—9. Lot is reminded of his solitary ((
Hebrew characters), der Eine da) and defenceless position as a gêr (see on 1210).—11. The
divine beings smite the rabble with demonic blindness
Hebrew characters): v.i.).
only here: G-K. § 20 d, 100 o.—3. (Hebrew characters)] Only again 199 3311 (J), Ju. 197,
2 Ki. 217 516.
4. (Hebrew characters)] probably a gloss (Ols.).—(
Hebrew characters)] (G (
Greek characters)) an abbreviation
of (
Hebrew characters) (Gn. 4721, Ex. 2628, Dt. 138 etc.) = 'exhaustively':
so Is. 5611, Jer. 5131, Ezk. 259.—6. (
Hebrew characters)] om. by GV.—8. (
Hebrew characters)] = (
Hebrew characters)
(only again 1925 263f., Lv. 1827, Dt. 442 722 1911, 1 Ch. 208) is an orthographic
variant (not in [E]), meant originally to be pronounced (
Hebrew characters).
See Dri. on Dt. 442.—(
Hebrew characters)] as 185.—9. (
Hebrew characters) [[E] (
Hebrew characters)] (
Hebrew characters)] G (
Greek characters):
'stand back there'; cf. (
Hebrew characters), Is. 4920.—(
Hebrew characters)] Consec. impf.
expressing 'paradoxical consequence' (De.); cf. 3231 4023, Jb. 23: see
G-K. § 111 l, m. The inf. abs. after its vb. properly denotes continuance
of the action; here its position seems due to the consec. (
Hebrew characters), and its
force as if it had stood first (G-K. § 113 r, p)—11. (
Hebrew characters)] (2 Ki. 618† )
is related to ordinary blindness ((
Hebrew characters), Dt. 2828, Zec. 124† ), somewhat as
Hebrew characters) (221) is to ordinary sleep. If from [root] (
Hebrew characters) ('shine'), it is either a