Page:A description of Greenland.djvu/120

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The Natural Hiſtory

to whom he often proves too hard with this mighty Tuſks, and often kills him, or at leaſt, does not give over till they both expire.

Different Kinds of Seals.The Seals are of different Sorts and Sizes, though in their Shape they all agree, excepting the Clap-Myſs, ſo called from a Sort of a Cap he has on his Head, with which he covers it when he fears a Stroke. The Paws of a Seal have five Claws, joined together with a thick Skin, like that of a Gooſe or a Water Fowl. His Head reſembles a Dog's with cropped Ears, from whence he has got the Name of Sea Dog. His Snout is bearded like that of a Cat. His Eyes are large and clear with Hair about them. Their Skin of divers Colours.The Skin is covered with a ſhort Hair of divers Colours, and ſpotted; ſome white and black, others yellowiſh, others again reddiſh, and ſome of Mouſe Colour. His Teeth are very ſharp and pointed. Although he ſeems lamiſh behind, yet he makes nothing of getting up upon the Ice-Hills, where he loves to ſleep and to baſk
