Page:A description of Greenland.djvu/121

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of Greenland.

himſelf in the Sun. The largeſt Seals are from five to eight Foot in Length, their Fat yields better Train-Oil than that of any other Fiſh. This is the moſt common of all the Sea Animals in Greenland; Contribute the moſt to the Subſiſtence of Greenlanders.and contributes the moſt to the ſubſiſting and maintaining of the Inhabitants, who feed upon the Fleſh of it, and cloath themſelves with the Skin, which likewiſe ſerves them for the covering of their Boats and Tents: The Fat is their Fuel, which they burn in their Lamps, and alſo boil their Victuals with.

Sundry Sea-Monſters.As for other Sea Monſters and wonderful Animals, we find in Tormoder's Hiſtory of Greenland, mention made of three Sorts of Monſters, where he quotes a Book, called Speculum Regale Iclandicum, or the Royal-Iſland Looking-Glaſs, from whence he borrows what he relates[1]. But none of
  1. The abovementioned Author calls the firſt of theſe Monſters Haveſtramb, The Mer-Man.(or Mer-Man) and deſcribes it to have the Likeneſs of a Man, as to the Head, Face, Noſe and Mouth; ſave that its Head was oblong and
