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Page:A description of Greenland.djvu/139

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of Greenland.
The Manner of Hunting the Rain-Deer has been treated of above in the fifth Chapter; but there we took no Notice of their Bows and Arrows, which they make Uſe of in the killing thoſe Deer. The Bows and Arrows which they uſe in Hunting on Shore.Their Bow is of an ordinary Make, commonly made of Fir Tree, which in Norway is called Tenal, and on the Back ſtrengthened with Strings made of Sinews of Animals, twiſted like Thread: The Bow String is made of a good ſtrong Strap of Seal Skin, or of ſeveral Sinews twiſted together; the Bow is a good Fathom long. The Head of the Arrow is armed with Iron, or a ſharp pointe Bone, with one or more Hooks, that it may keep Hold, when ſhoot Birds with are at the Head covered with one or more Pieces of Bone blunt at the End, that they may kill the Fowl, without tearing the Fleſh. Sea Fowls not ſhot with Arrows, but with Darts.The Sea Fowls are not ſhot with Arrows, but with Darts, headed with Bones or Iron, which they throw very dexterouſly, and with ſo ſteady a Hand at a great Diſtance, that no Body can hit ſurer with a Gun.