Page:A description of Greenland.djvu/140

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The Natural Hiſtory

They are more frequently employed at Sea than on Shore; and I confeſs, they ſurpaſs therein moſt other Nations; for their Way of taking Whales, Seals and other Sea Animals is by far the moſt ſkilfull and moſt eaſy and handy.

How they dreſs for Whale-catching.When they go a Whale catching, they put on their beſt Gear or Apparel, as if they were going to a Wedding-Feaſt, fancying that if they did not come cleanly and neatly dreſſed, the Whale, who can't bear ſloven and dirty Habits, would ſhun them and fly from them. This is the Manner of their Expedition: About 50 Perſons, Men and Women, ſet out together in one of the large Boats, called Kone Boat; the Women carry along with them their ſewing Tackles, conſiſting of Needles and Thread, for to ſew and mend their Huſbands Spring Coats, or Jackets, if they ſhouls be torn or pierced through, as alſo to mend the Boat, in cafe it ſhould receive any Damage; the Men go in ſearch of the Whale, and when they have found him, they ſtrike him with their
