Page:A description of Greenland.djvu/149

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of Greenland.
Shape and Uſe of the large, or Women's Boats.The other kind of Boats are large and open, like our Boats, ſome of them 20 Yards long; and theſe are called Kone-Boats, that is, Women's Boats; becauſe the Women commonly row them. For they think it unbecoming a Man to row ſuch a Boat, unleſs great Neceſſity requires it: And when they firſt ſet out for the Whale-Fiſhing, the Men ſit in a very negligent Poſture, with their Faces turned towards the Prow, pulling with their little ordinary Paddle; but the Women ſit in the ordinary Way, with their Faces toward the Stern, rowing with long Oars. The Inſide of theſe Boats is compoſed of thin Rafts, and the Outſide cloathed with thick Seal-Skins. In theſe Boats they tranſport their Baggage, as Tents and the like Houſhold Furniture, when they go to ſettle in ſome diſtant Places, in queſt of Proviſion. In theſe Boats they alſo carry Sails, made of the Bowels and Entrails of Seals. The Maſt is placed foremoſt on the Prow, and as the Sail is broad at the upper End, where it is
