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The Natural Hiſtory

faſtened to the Yard, and narrow at the lower End, ſo they neither want Braces nor Bowlins and Sheet-Ropes, and with theſe Sails they ſail well enough with the Wind, not otherwiſe. Theſe Boats, as they are flat bottomed, can ſoon be overſet.

The Men do not work at home, but only in the making of their Tools.The Men meddle with no Work at home but what concerns their Tools for Hunting and Fiſhing Tacklings, viz. their Boats, Bows, Arrows and the like. All the work about the Houſe is the Women's Taſk.All other Work, even of building and repairing their Houſes, belong to the Women. As dexterous and ſkilful as the Men are at their Work, ſo the Women are not behind Hand with them; but according to their Way, and Manner, deſerve to be praiſed and admired.