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Page:A description of Greenland.djvu/195

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of Greenland.

a Perſon dies in the Houſe, his Body muſt not be carried through the ordinary Entry of it, but conveyed out at the Window; and if he dies in a Tent, he is brought out at the back Part of it. Their Funeral Rites.At the Funeral, a Woman lights a Stick in the Fire, brandiſhing the ſame and ſaying, Piklerrukpok, that is, here is no more to be got.

When little Children die and are buried, they put the Head of a Dog near the Grave, fancying, that Children having no Underſtanding, they cannot by themſelves find the Way, but the Dog muſt guide them to the Land of the Souls.


Their Paſtimes and Diverſions, as alſo their Poetry.

The Greenlanders have ſeveral Kinds of Sports and Recreations, with which they paſs their Time, when they have no-
