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The Natural Hiſtory

thing elſe to do, or when they viſit one another: Of which theſe are the moſt remarkable. Their Aſſemblies of Revelling and Diverſions.When they meet together for Diverſion's Sake; the firſt Step made is always Banqueting and Revelling, where they ſtuff their Guts with all the dainty Bits and the beſt Cheer the Country affords; as Rain-deer and Seal Fleſh dried or boiled; and the Tail of a Whale, which they reckon among the greateſt Delicacies. Of theſe Things they eat very greedily; for it is a great Honour done to the Landlord, who treats, that his Gueſts, when come home, complain that their Belly was too ſmall, and that it was ready to burſt.

After the Repaſt, they get up to divert themſelves in this Manner: One of the Company takes a Drum,In which they beat the Drum. which is made of a broad wooden Hoop, or of the Rib of a Whale, covered with a thin Skin; with a Handle to it; which Drum he beats with a Stick, ſinging at the ſame time Songs, either concerning the common Affairs in general, or his own private ones, in parti-
