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of Greenland.

cular. In which at the End of each Verſe, the whole Chorus of Men and Women join with him.

He that can make the moſt odd and comical Geſtures, and play the moſt ridiculous Tricks with his Face, Head and Limbs, turning them awry, paſſes for the moſt ingenious Fellow; as he by his aukward and out of the way Poſtures can make others laugh.

They compoſe Satyrical Ditties upon one another, which they ſing in their Aſſemblies.They ſhew their Wit chiefly in Satyrical Songs, which they compoſe againſt one another; and he that overcomes his Fellow in this Way of Debate, is admired and applauded by the reſt of the Aſſembly. If any body conceives a Jealouſy, or bears a Grudge to another upon any Account, he ſends to him, and challenges him to a Duel in ſuch or ſuch Aſſembly; where he will fight it out with him in taunting Ditties. Whereupon the Defied, in Defence of his Honour, prepares his Weapons, and does not fail to appear at the Time and Place
