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of Greenland.

And in the ſame Manner you may Inflect all Verbs whatſoever.

The Preterits and Futures have the ſame Suffixa, as the Preſent Tenſe.

Concerning the compounded Verbs, it is to be obſerved; that, whereas their auxiliary Verbs are but few, they make Uſe of ſeveral Particles to ſupply their Place, which are annexed to the ſimple Verbs, and ſo make them compounded Verbs; yet theſe Particles by themſelves are not uſed, nor of any Signification. And by this Connexion or Compoſition the ſimple Verbs change their Conjugation. As for Example,

Firſt, in this Expreſſion, they uſe to do ſo and ſo, the Compoſition is formed thus; of the ſimple Verb Erminpok, he waſhes himſelf, in the Compoſition is made Ermingarace, he uſes to waſh himſelf. Kieavok, he weeps; Kieeillarau, he uſes to weep; Aularpok, he goes from home; Aulararau, he uſes to go from home.
