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The Natural Hiſtory

Second, when the Expreſſion runs thus, he comes to do this or that, it is turned in this Manner. Ermigiartorpok, he comes to waſh himſelf; Aglegiartorpok, he comes to write. And ſo in all other Compoſitions.

But there are not only Verbs compounded with one, but ſometimes with two, three, or more Particles joined to the Verb; when there is a longer Sentence to be expreſſed. And for this Reaſon the Words and Particles undergo a great many Change sand Variations, in as much as they retain but certain radical Letters, the reſt either being thrown away and quite loſt, or elſe changed for others. As for Inſtance, Auliſariartoraſuarpok, he made haſte to go out a fiſhing. Here three Verbs are joined together in one. Auliſarpok, he fiſhes; Peartorpok, to go about ſomething; and Pinneſuarpok, to make haſte. Again. Aglekkinniarit, endeavour to write better. Here we have another threefold Compoſition. Firſt Aglepok, he writes; then Pekipok, to mend, or do better, and at laſt Pinniarpok, to endeavour.
