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The Natural Hiſtory

tell many abſurd and ridiculous Stories) all this (I ſay) ſuppoſes ſome ſort of Worſhip; although they do no themſelves, out of their brutiſh Stupidity, underſtand or infer ſo much, or make Uſe of the Light of Nature and the remaining Spark of the Image of God in their Souls, to conſider the inviſible Being of God by his viſible Works, which is the Creation of the World. Rom. i. For which Reaſon, inſtead of attaining the Knowledge of God and true Religion, they are unhappily fallen into many groſs Superſtitions.

Deſcription of Torngarſuk, or the Oracle of the Greenlanders.But notwithſtanding that all theſe Superſtitions are authoriſed by, and grounded upon the Notion they have of the ſo called Torngarſuk, whom their lying Angekuts or Prophets hold for their Oracle, whom they conſult on all Occaſions; yet the Commonalty know little or nothing of him, except the Name only: Nay, even the Angekuts themſelves are divided in their whimſical Ideas they have formed of his Being; ſome ſaying, he is without any Form or
