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of Greenland.
Shape; other giving him that of a Bear, others again pretending he has a large Body, and but one Arm; and ſome make him as little as a Finger. There are thoſe who hold he is immortal, and others, that a Fart can kill him. His Abode in the Center of the Earth.They aſſign him his Abode in the lower Regions fo the Earth, where they tell you there is conſtantly fine Sun-ſhiny Weather, good Water, Deers and Fowls in Abundance. They alſo ſay he lives in the Water; wherefore, when they come to any Water, of which they have not drunk before, and there be any old Man in the Company, they make him drink the firſt, in order to take away its Torngarſuk, or the malignant Quality of the Water, which might make them ſick and kill them. They hold furthermore, that a Spirit reſides in the Air, which they name Innertirrirſok; that is, the Moderator or Reſtrainer, becauſe it is purſuant to his Order, that the Angekuts command the People to reſtrain or abſtain from certain Things or Actions, that they may not come into Harms Way. According to their Theology,