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The Natural Hiſtory

or Mythology, there is yet one Spirit, Harbinger of the Air, whom they ſtile Erloerſortok, which ſignifies a Gutter, becauſe he guts the Deceaſed, and feeds upon their Inteſtines. His Countenance, they ſay, is very ghaſtly and hagard, hollow Eyes and Cheeks, like a Body that's ſtarved.

Each Element is governed by its Innuæ.Each Element has its Governor or Preſident, which they call Innuæ[1]; from


  1. The Innuæ, or Inhabitants of the Sea, they call Kongeuſerokit; or whom they ſay, that they feed upon Fox Tails. Ingnerſoit, a ſort of Sea Sprights, which inhabit the Rocks that lie upon the Coaſt; which, they tell you, will carry away the Greenlanders, not to do them any harm, but to enjoy their Company. Tunnerſoit are Phantoms living in the Mountains; and Ignerſoit, or Fiery Sprights (becauſe they appear to be all over Fire) live near the Shore, in ſteep and craggy Cliffs. This is that Meteor which we call the Flying Dragon. Innuarolit they pretend to be a People of a dwarfiſh Size, like Pigmies, and are ſaid to inhabit the Eaſt Side of Greenland. Erkiglit, on the contrary, are ſaid to be a Nation of a huge and monſtrous Size, with Snouts like Dogs; they are likewiſe ſaid to dwell on the Eaſt Side. Sillagikſortok, a Spirit, who makes fair Weather, and lives upon the Ice Mountains. Nerrim Innua, or the Ruler of Diet, becauſe he preſcribes Rule for the
