The Natural Hiſtory
Doctrine; yet it is with a ſurprizing Indifference and Coldneſs. For they can neither comprehend the miſerable Condition they are in; nor do they rightly underſtand and value the exceeding great Mercy and Loving-kindneſs God has ſhewn towards Mankind in his dear Son Chriſt Jeſus, ſo as to move them to any Deſire and longing after it; ſome few expected. This is to me an undeniable Evidence that the carnally-minded Man cannot comprehend the Things that belong to God; for to him they ſeem to be foolish, and he cannot know them, as the Apoſtle ſpeaks. 1. Cor. 2. But as they in general are ſo credulous,They are very credulous. that one can make them believe any thing; ſo they are likewiſe in this grand Affair. They never queſtion what they are taught of God and Chriſt; but at the ſame Time it never takes any rooting in their Mind, becauſe it paſſes without any Conſideration and Feeling. For which reaſon they do not contradict or diſpute with us the Matters propoſed; and very few have offered any Objections, or deſired any Difficulty to be explained. And as their Behavior is ſilly and childiſh,