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of Greenland.

ſo we have uſed the ſame Method in teaching them, as we do to inſtruct little Children; inculcating the Chriſtian Truths into their Mind by frequent Repetitions, and making uſe of ſimple and obvious Compariſons, which, I thank God Almighty, has not wanted his Bleſſing. Some of them obſerved to be devout, and deſirous to hear the Word of God.For I have perceived in ſome the working of his Grace in a ſerious Amendment of their Lives; and their Endeavours have been to advance in the Way to Perfection, though all as yet is but a Beginning and Infancy, as we have mentioned in the laſt Year's Memoirs or Relations of Greenland.

A Savage is firſt to be transformed into a reaſonable Man, before he can be made a Chriſtian.It is a Matter which cannot be queſtioned, that, if you will make a Chriſtian out of a meer Savage and wild Man, you muſt firſt make him a reaſonable Man, and the next Step will be eaſier. This is authoriſed and confirmed by our Saviour's own Method. He makes a beginning from the earthly Things; he propoſes the Myſteries of the Kingdom of God in Parables and Similitudes. The firſt Care taken in the Converſion of Heathens is, to remove out of the Way all