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The Natural Hiſtory

Obſtacles, which may hinder their Converſion, and render them unfit to receive the Chriſtian Doctrine, before any thing ſucceſsfully can be undertaken in their Behalf.

They muſt firſt of all be accuſtomed to a ſettled Way of Life.It would contribute a great deal to forward their Converſion, if they could be Degrees be brought into a ſettled Way of Life, and to abandon this ſauntering and wandering about from Place to Place to ſeek their Livelihood. But this cannot be hoped until a Chriſtian Nation comes to be ſettled among them, (I mean in ſuch Places where the Ground is fit for Tillage and Paſturage) to teach them, and by little and little accuſtom them to a quiet and more uſeful Way of Life, than that which they now follow.

And be reſtrained from their fooliſh Superſtitions.They ſhould alſo be kept under ſome Diſclipline, and reſtrained from their fooliſh Superſtitions, and from the ſilly Tricks and wicked Impoſtures of their Angekkuts, which out to be altogether prohibited and puniſhed. Yet my Meaning is, not that they by Force and Conſtraint ſhould be compelled
