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Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/62

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about as large as the two should be, but the right would not have contained half a drachm of fluid. Opening be- tween the two ventricles about two lines in diameter, but none from the right auricle. Pulmonary artery arises from right ventricle, and is of full size ; one valve imperfectly developed. 1852. Dr. F. S. Ainsworth.

379. Heart from a malformed foetus (No. 866). There is an

interventricular opening, and an occlusion of the pulmo- naiy artery. This last is small, and the ductus artei'iosus long and quite slender. 1859.

380. A sacculated pouch just below the Eustachian valve, quite defined, and readily admitting the end of the little finger ; about as thick as the neighboring parts, and shows no sign whatever of disease. From a healthy, adult heart. By coincidence, a precisely similar specimen was met with during the same week. 1860.

Dr. J. B. S. Jackson.

381. Two-valved aorta, from a man set. 35. 1859.

Dr. J. B. 8. Jackson.

382. Two-valved pulmonary artery, from an adult. 1856.

Dr. J. B. S. Jackson.

383. A second specimen. 1861.

384-5. Two foetal hearts, showing an additional upper vena

cava ; opening in one into the left auricle, and in the other just below the Eustachian valve. 1850.

Dr. J. B. S. Jackson.

Fusion of two hearts. See monstrosities.

Origin of a thyroid artery, from the art. innominata. See No. 301.

386. Origin of the vertebral artery, from an injected aorta. 1861.

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