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Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/63

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387. Right subclavian art. arises from the arch of the aorta, and passes behind the oesophagus ; injected. By Dr. K. 1852. Dr. Samuel Kneeland, Jr.

388. Arch of the aorta, showing the two carotids arising by a short and common trunk, and the left subclavian quite near to them. The right subclavian arises three-fourths of an inch beyond this last, and considerably further back ; and, as usual in such cases, passed behind the oesophagus. 1859. Mr. J. Homans, Jr., med. student.

389. Thyroid axis arises at some distance beyond the external border of the anterior scalenus muscle ; and beyond it the internal mammary artery. By Mr. F. 1849.

Mr. Jabez Fisher, med. student.

390. A large branch from the int. mammary runs downward upon the inside of the ribs. By Mr. H. 1858.

Mr John T. Heard, med. student.

391. A second specimen ; but a smaller branch. Prepared by Dr. H., who observed three cases of this anomaly, at the same time, in the dissecting-room, in the winter of 1857-8 ; and in all it existed upon each side. 1858.

Dr. R. M. Hodges.

392. A preparation, by Dr. H., showing the bronchial arteries arising from the aorta, the intercostal, and right subcla- vian ; the cesophageal arising from the bronchial, and the aorta ; the right subclavian supplying the three upper intercostal spaces, and sending branches to the neck, which Dr. H. thought might be regarded as cervical intercostals. 1857. Dr. E. M. Hodges.

393. Arteries dissected out, and displayed upon a black-board. The right radial arises from the very upper part of the brachial, and the left from the axillary. And the middle thyroid arises from the art. innominata. From a child. By Dr. K. 1852. Dr. S. Kneeland, Jr.

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