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Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/224

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Condemnade. A kind of Card-play, like vnto Lansquenet. ¶Rab. Condemnation: f. A condemnation; a damning or condemning. Condemnation d'amende. An amercing, or putting to a fine. Passer condemnation. To giue ouer a suit, to yeeld vnto an agreement, to desist from brabling, in Law. Il passa condemnation de tout ce qu'ils desiroyent. He graunted, or yeelded vnto, whatsoeuer they required.

Condemnatoire: com. Condemnatorie, condemning; amercing, fining.

Condemné: m. ée: f. Condemned, damned, ouerthrowne in Law; also, amerced, fined, put vnto his fine. Vn lieu condemné. An vncouth, or vnaccessable place. Tel a bonne cause qui est condemné: Prov. Hee thats i' the right oft times receiues the foile.

Condemner. To condemne, or damne; to ouerthrow in iudgement, ouercome by Law. Condemner à l'amende. To amerce, fine, or put vnto his fine.

Condensé: m. ée: f. Thickened, made thicke, compacted, or closed together.

Condense: com. Condense; thicke, close together.

Condenser. To thicken, or make thicke; to gather, or flocke together.

Condensité: f. Condensitie, thicknesse, hardnesse, closenesse.

Condescendre. To condescend, vouchsafe, yeeld, graunt vnto.

Condescendu: m. uë: f. Condescended; vouchsafed; graunted, or yeelded vnto.

Condignac. as Codignat; Marmalade of Quinces. ¶Rab. Condigne: com. Condigne, well-worthie.

Condignement. Condignely, worthily, honestly; as it behoueth.

Condile. as Condyle. Condisciple. A schoole-fellow, or fellow disciple.

Condition: f. A condition, couenant; law, or bargaine conditionall; also, the propertie, nature, disposition, manner, one vseth, or is of; also, ones estate, fortune; place; birth; qualitie, (especially meane, or base.) Ie ne sçay pas les conditions du ieu. I know not the lawes of the Game.

Conditionaire: com. Conditionarie, conditionall, vpon condition, vnder couenant, couenanting.

Conditionnel. as Conditionaire. Conditionnellement. Conditionally, vpon, or vnder, a condition.

Condol: m. A ridge, or raising of earth.

Condoloir. See Condouloir. Condonné: m. ée: f. Giuen freely, forgiuen, pardoned.

Condonner. Freely to giue; to pardon, or forgiue.

Condore. The name of a great, strong, and rauenous Indian bird.

Condot: m. as Condol. Condouloir. To sorrow, or moane with, to sympathize with the griefe, or paine of.

Conducteur: m. A Conductor, Leader, Guide, Ring-*leader; also, a Captaine.

Conductrice: f. A Conductresse.

Conduict: m. A Conduit; also, a gutter, or trench of stone, &c, whereby the water, or course of a riuer is tur-* </poem>

*ned, and fetcht into, or by, any place. Conduicts de fleuves. The heads of riuers.

Conduicte: f. A conduct, conduction, guiding, leading, bringing on; a trayning, or gouernment; also, a managing, or handling. Conduicte de l'esprit. The inclination, motions, or sway of the mind.

Conduire. To conduct, lead, guide, bring on; gouerne, sway, rule, wholly dispose of; also, to handle, or manage. Conduire sourdement vne Orne. Looke Orne. Conduiseur: m. A Leader, Guider, Conductor.

Condui-somne. Sleepe-conducting, silent, quiet.

Conduit: m. ite: f. Conducted, led, guided, brought on; trained, gouerned, swayed, wholly disposed of.

Conduit: m. as Conduict. Conduite: f. as Conduicte. Condyle: m. The tuberiositie; out-swelling, roundnesse, or knots, of the thigh, knee, ankle, elbow, or knuckle-*bones; also, a blow with the fist; a box, or cuffe.

Condylome: m. A swelling, or excrescence of flesh (like vnto little warts, or the stones of a raisin, or figge) in the fundament, or in a womans priuities.

Cone: m. A Cone; a Geometricall bodie; or any figure, that is broad, and round below, and sharpens towards the top.

Conestable. See Connestable. Conestablie: f. A Constableship; also, a Captaineship, or gouernment held in Peerdome; also, a companie, band, or battalion of Souldiers.

Confanon. A Standard, or Banner, &c; as Gonfanon. Confanonier: m. A Standard-bearer.

Confanons. The wild Poppie.

Confection: f. A confection, or composition; a mingling; a confecting, or comfet making.

Confederation: f. A confederation, or confederacie; the making of, or entring into, a league with others; also, a complot, or conspiracie.

Confederez. Confederate, in friendship, entred into a league, together; also, ioyning in a plot, or conspiracie.

Conference: f. A conference; also, a comparison.

Conferer. To conferre, commune, deuise, or talk, together; (conferer ensemble;) also, to contribute, or be at a-*like, and equall charge with another; (conferer avec vn autre.) Confermé: m. ée: f. Confirmed, strengthened, fortified, setled; hardened; incouraged, assured; ratified, established; auouched, auerred for truth.

Confermer. To confirme, strengthen, fortifie, settle, harden; assure; establish, ratifie, make good; incourage, comfort; auouch, or auerre for truth.

Confesse: f. as Confession. Aller à la confesse. To goe to shrift.

Confessé: m. ée: f. Confessed; acknowledged, yeelded vnto; discouered, reuealed, bewrayed; also, shriuen.

Confesser. To confesse, acknowledge, yeeld vnto; reueale, discouer, bewray. Se confesser au prestre. To be shriuen.

Confesseur: m. A Confessor, or ghostlie father.

Confession: f. A confession, or acknowledgement; a reuealing, or bewraying, of a secret. Confession auriculaire. Shriuing, auricular confession.

Confessionnaire: com. Confessionarie; belonging to, or treating of, auricular confession.

Confessionnat: m. An act of confession tending to absolution.