Confez. Confessed, shriuen.
Confiance: f. Confidence, trust, assurance, hardinesse.
Confiant. Trusting, hauing confidence in, building vpon.
Confidant: m. A friend to whom one trusts, in whom he hath confidence, on whose assistance he relyes; a second in a single combat, such a one as a man takes into the field with him.
Confident. as Confidant. Confidentiaire: com. Trecherous, faith-breaking, trust-deceiuing.
Confidentionnaire. as Confidentiaire. Confier. To trust, beleeue, haue confidence in; assure himselfe of; build, rely, or depend, vpon.
Confiez de Cour. as Pairs de la Cour. Configuration: f. A likenesse, or resemblance, of figures.
Confin: m. ine: f. Neere, neighbor, confining, or adioyning, vnto; bounding, or bordering, vpon.
Confinant: m. ante: f. Confining, bounding, bordering, abbutting, adioyning, lying neere vnto; also, confining, banishing.
Confiner. To confine; to abbut, or bound vpon; to abboord, adioyne, lye neere vnto; also, to assigne limits, appoint marches, lay out bounds vnto; also, to confine, relegate, banish into a certaine, or limitted, place.
Confire. To preserue, confect, soake, or steepe in; also, to season, relish, or giue sauor vnto.
Confirmatif: m. iue: f. Confirmatiue, confirming; establishing, ratifying; assuring; auouching.
Confirmation: f. A confirmation, strengthening, setling, assurance; ratification, establishment; also, a hartning, or incouragement; also, an auouching, or auerrall of a thing for truth; also, confirmation, Bishopping, or (as the vulgar) Bisping. Droict de confirmation. The fine, or fee due, by all Officers of the kingdome of France, vnto the King at his first comming to the Crowne, for confirming them, by his Letters Patents, in their places.
Confirmé. as Confermé. Confirmer. See Confermer. Confis: m. Any thing that hath beene soaked, or steeped; any pickled, or preserued thing.
Confisc: m. A confiscation, or thing confisqued.
Confiscation: f. A confiscation; a publick seisure; also, a forfeiture.
Confiseur: m. A Confector, Preseruer, or Confet-maker.
Confisqué: m. ée: f. Confiscated; seised to publicke, or vnto the Princes, vse; also, forfeited; lost by, or made subiect to, forfeiture.
Confisquer. To confiscate; to seise, as forfeited vnto the Princes, or common, Treasurie; also, to forfeit.
Confissable: com. Fit to be steeped, soaked, preserued, confected.
Confisseur: m. A Confector, Confet-maker; Preseruer.
Confit: m. ite: f. Steeped, confected; fully soaked, wholly imbrued with. Confit en amertume. Whose heart is full of bitternesse; a most dolefull person, a most wofull man. Confit en malice. A most vngracious fellow; one that hath gotten a full habit of wickednesse; one thats obdurate in, or giuen ouer to, roguerie; one that minds, or is made of, nought but villanie.
Confiture: f. A confecting, preseruing; steeping, soaking;
saucing, seasoning; also, a confection, condiment, preserue; and hence; Confitures. Confets, ionkets, all kind of sweet-meats; and, most properly, fruits, blossomes, leaues, stalkes, &c, of plants, preserued whole; Preserues.
Conflagration: f. A conflagration; a generall burning, or consuming with fire.
Conflant: m. A place whereat two riuers meet.
Conflé: m. ée: f. Blowne, or, puffed vp. See Gonflé. Conflict: m. A conflict, skirmish, bickering, or battell.
Confluant. as Conflant. Confondre. To confound; disorderly to mingle, or tumble together.
Conformateur: m. A conformer; a maker of things like one another, and fit altogether.
Conformation: f. A conforming; a framing, fashioning, or disposition of things to a likenes betweene themselues, and a fitnesse altogether.
Conforme: com. Conformable, conforme, agreeable vnto; agreeing, or of a like fashion, one to the other.
Conformé: m. ée: f. Conformed; made apt for, fitted with, fashioned like.
Conformément. Conformably, accordingly, there-*after.
Conformer. To conforme; fit with; fashion as; make apt for, like to, proportionable vnto; also (simply) to make, frame, fashion, proportion.
Conformité: f. Conformitie, conformeablenesse; a resemblance, likenesse, fitnesse, or befitting.
Confort: m. Comfort, solace, consolation; an incouragement, or cheering vp; an easing, or mitigating of griefe; the application of strength vnto weakenesse, thereby to inforce it.
Confortatif: m. iue: f. Comfortatiue; of power, or propertie, to comfort.
Conforté: m. ée: f. Comforted, eased, solaced; strengthened; supported.
Conforte-main. The strengthening, and confirmation of an inferior persons seisure by the superiors assistance; as when a Lord, hauing seised an inheritance held of him, prayes in aide of the King (or a Mesne Lord of the Lord Paramount) and procures it, for the better assurance of his possession. Donner conforte-main. To helpe, succour, aide, assist; to lend a helping hand vnto.
Conforter. To comfort, solace, recreate; to encourage, or cheere vp; also, to confirme, helpe, strengthen, reinforce. Comforter vne playe. To corroborate a wound by fomentations, or other (externall) applications.
Confoulant. A certaine village hard by Paris; tearmed so, because two riuers (Marne, and Seine) meet at it.
Confrairie: f. A Fraternitie, Brotherhood, Fellowship, Societie; a Companie of one trade, or profession. Le pain benist de la confrairie. Bobbes, thumpes, thwackes, blowes.
Confreres: m. Fellowes of one, and the same Companie, or Societie.
Confrontation: f. A confronting, or bringing face to face; also, a reading, or examining of the depositions of accusers in presence of the accused.
Confronté: m. ée: f. Confronted, brought face to face; examined, compared, conferred one by another; layed neere together.
Confronter. To confront, or bring face to face; to exa-*