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mine, or compare, one by another; to conferre, or lay, seuerall things together. Confronter tesmoins. To confront witnesses; to bring accusers, or accusing witnesses, before the accused; and, to examine them, or to read and examine the euidence they haue giuen in, or depositions which they haue made, in his presence.

Confus: m. use: f. Confused, disordered; hudling, indistinct; also, confounded, troubled; abashed, amazed, dismayed, put or dasht out of countenance.

Confusément. Confusedly, vndistinctly, without order; one with another.

Confusion: f. A confusion, or disorder; a rude mingle-*mangle, chaos, hurly-burly; a confounding; also, a thick Ruffe thats worne close before.

Confuté: m. ée: f. Confuted, conuinced, refelled, disproued, ouercome in arguing.

Confuter. To confute, conuince, refell, disproue, ouercome in arguing. Confuter vn tesmoing. To disgrace, confound, puzle, blanke him; to put him out of countenance, or, driue him to a Non-plus.

Congé: m. Leaue, licence, permission; graunt of libertie, discharge, dismission; also, a pasport. Congé de Cour. Looke Renvoy. Congé deffault. A dismission vpon default; (Se donne à l'appellant, qui a esté anticipé, contre l'anticipant defaillant; Quia fungitur vice rei, & actoris. ¶Ragueau.) Congé de Mortesaison. Looke Mortesaison. Congé simple. A simple dismission, or discharge out of a Court; (S'obtient par vn defendeur contre vn demandeur non comparant, ou à faute de repliquer: & par l'intimé contre l'appellant defaillant qui avoit relevé, & adsigné. ¶Ragueau.) Il me donna congé de ma chambre. He gaue vp my chamber.

Congeable: com. Dismisseable, licensable, dischargeable. Domaine congeable. Which the possessor is to leaue when his Landlord pleases; a demayne held at will.

Congedié: m. ée: f. Dismissed, discharged, licenced, that hath leaue to be gone.

Congedier. To dismisse, discharge, licence, giue leaue vnto, permit to goe, suffer to depart. Congedier vne armée. To break vp an armie.

Congelation: f. A congelation, congealing, freezing; also, the disease tearmed Catalepsis, viz. a suddain detention, or occupation of the bodie, and mind; the Patient continuing in the same forme, and holding the same posture, which he had when he was taken with it.

Congelé: m. ée: f. Congealed, frozen, closed, together.

Congeler. To congeale; to be frozen, or close together with freezing, &c.

Congemination: f. A congemination, doubling, often repeating; (whence) also, as Epizeuxe. Congeneré: m. ée: f. Congenerated; begotten, or ingendred together.

Congiaire: m. A dole; a largesse, or liberall gift (of money, or victuals) vnto the people.

Congie: m. A vessell among the ancient Romanes containing some foure pints and a halfe, of Parisien measure; or very neere our gallon.

Conglutination: f. A conglutination; a ioyning, a knitting, a closing, or gluing together.

Conglutiné: m. ée: f. Conglutinated; glued, closed, or knit with.

Conglutiner. To conglutinate; ioyne, glue, close, knit with, or together.

Congnoistre. See Cognoistre. Congratulation: f. A congratulation, or verball reioycing with one for his good fortune.

Congratulé: m. ée: f. Congratulated, reioyced with.

Congratuler. To congratulate; or, in words, to reioyce with another for his good fortune.

Congre: m. A Congar, or Cungar (fish.) Congreé: m. eée: f. Congealed, thickened, curded, gathered close together, clottered; compact, made hard.

Congréement: m. A congealing, curding, thickening, growing, or clotting together.

Se Congréer. To congeale, thicken, curd, close; gather, compact together.

Congregation: f. A congregation; assemblie, or company of people gathered together in a publicke place.

Congregé: m. ée. f. Congregated, gathered, assembled together.

Congréger. To congregate, gather, assemble together. Il se congrége en pierre precieuse. It growes, or congeales into, a precious stone.

Congression: f. Companie, congression with others; or, as Congrez; an assemblie, meeting, &c.

Congrez: m. A solemne assemblie, or meeting; also, an incounter, coaping, or scuffling together.

Conjectural: m. ale: f. Coniecturall; which may be gathered by ghesse, or scand at by coniecture.

Conjecturalement. Coniecturally, by ghesse, or coniecture, habnab, hittie-missie.

Conjecturant: m. ante: f. Coniecturing, ghessing at. Con. le lion par les ongles. See Lion. Conjecture: f. A coniecture, or gesse; a iudgement giuen, or conceit taken, on vncertain grounds, or at randome.

Conjecturé: m. ée: f. Coniectured, ghessed, imagined; deemed, diuined.

Conjecturer. To coniecture, ghesse, diuine; to iudge, or imagine by.

Coniguer. To scratch, or claw.

Conillart. A certaine very tender, and delicat peare.

Coniller. To play the coward, or lurke in corners; to seeke a hole to hide his head in; to sneake, or slinke from place to place, as a connie that boults from bush to bush.

Conilliere: f. A Conny-hole, or Conny-borow.

Conioignant: m. ante: f. Ioyning, vniting, combining, coupling with, or together.

Conjoinct: m. cte: f. Ioyned, conioyned, combined, coupled, vnited, knit, sure with.

Conjoinctement. Ioyntly, wholly, together, as well the one as the other.

Conjoindre. To conioyne, combine, couple, counite; to ioyne, associate; fasten, knit; marrie, make sure with, or together.

Conjonctif: m. iue: f. Coniunctiue; ioyning, coupling, combining, vniting with, or together. Membrane conjonctiue. The white of the eye; or, the skin that couers it.

Conjonction: f. A coniunction; combination, coupling, or knitting together; also, the part of speech tearmed, a Coniunction.

Conjouï. Congratulated, or gladded with.

Se Conjouïr. To congratulate, or be glad with.

Conjouïssement. A congratulation, or reioycing with.

Se Conjoyr. as Conjouïr.

Conjoyssement. as Conjouïssement.

Conise. Flea-bane, or Flea-bane Mullet; (an hearbe.)