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Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/229

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Consequentieux: m. euse: f. Most important, full of consequence.

Consequutif: m. iue: f. Consecutiue; or as Consecutif. Conserte: f. A conference.

Conserté: m. ée: f. Ordained, made, stirred, or set, vp.

Consertion: f. A ioyning, coupling; interlacing, intermingling.

Conservateur: m. A Conseruator; Preseruer, Maintainer; Defendor, Protector; Sauer, or Sauior. Conservateur Apostolique. The Popes Conseruator in Vniuersities; an Officer that both vpholds the priuiledges graunted, by the Church of Rome, thereto; and takes notice of all the Ecclesiasticall controuersies, and causes therein. Conservateur des foires de Lyons. A Magistrate, who hath iurisdiction ouer all manner of debtors, for commodities taken vp at any of the said Fayres. Conservateur Royal. The Kings Conseruator in Vniuersities; an Officer that both maintaines the priuiledges graunted by the Crowne vnto them; and is their Iudge of all causes, and controuersies that be meerely ciuile, or lay. (In Paris the Prouost of the Citie alwaies holds this place.) Conservation: f. A conseruation; keeping, maintaining; preseruation; defence, protection.

Conservatoire: f. Th' Office of a Conseruator; his Court, or the roome wherein he vseth to keepe it.

Conservatrice: f. A Conseruatrix; Preserueresse; Protectrix, Defenderesse.

Conserve: f. Preseruation, gard, safe custodie, keeping; also, a Conserue, as of Roses, Violets, &c. Conserve de grain. A caue, pit, or hole vnder ground, to keepe corne in. Navires de conserve. Ships of a Fleet, or of one consort.

Conservé: m. ée: f. Conserued; kept, garded, maintained, preserued, saued; protected, defended, vpheld.

Conserver. To conserue; keepe, gard, maintaine, preserue, saue; defend, protect, vphold.

Conserve-santé. Holesome, or health-preseruing.

Considerable: com. Considerable; to be considered, aduised on, or thought of.

Consideratif: m. One that does things with consideration, and aduisement.

Consideration: f. Consideration; aduisement; also, discretion, circumspection, heedfulnesse, carefulnesse; also, an examination, or discussion of.

Consideré: m. ée: f. Considered, thought of, aduised on; examined, pondered, perpended, reuolued, weighed in the mind.

Consideréement. Considerately, aduisedly, discreetly, circumspectly; with great consideration, vpon a good, or a safe, ground.

Considerer. To consider, aduise vpon, thinke of; examine; ponder, perpend, reuolue, or weigh in the mind.

Consierge. See Concierge. Consignation: f. A consignation; presentation, exhibiting, deliuerie in hand, or into the hands of; also, the gaging, or laying downe of a stake, or pawne.

Consignature: f. A consignature; a full stamping, or absolute signature of.

Consigné: m. ée: f. Consigned; presented, exhibited, or deliuered in hand, or into the hands of; also, deliuered, or appointed ouer; also, deliuered, or layed downe, as a stake, pawne, or gage.

Consigner. To consigne; present, exhibite, or deliuer, in hand, or into the hands of; to deliuer, assigne, or appoint (absolutely) ouer; to deliuer, gage, or lay downe, as a pledge, pawne, or stake.

Consilles. Two conduits, or pipes in the throat.

Consimilitude: f. Consimilitude; likenesse, concurrence, equalitie, agreement together.

Consin: m. A Mite, or Weeuell.

Consire: f. The hearbe Comfrey, Consound, Asse eare, Knitbacke, Backwort. Consire moyenne. Middle Consound, middle Comfrey, browne Bugle; also, the Daisie. La grande consire. Great Comfrey, &c; as Consire. Petite consire. The little wild Daisie, called otherwise, Bruisewort; also, the hearbe Prunell, Carpenters hearbe, Selfeheale, Hookeheale, Sicklewort.

Consistence: f. A consistence, or being; a residence, or setling.

Consister. To consist, be; rest, reside, abide; to settle, stand still, or at a stay.

Consistoire: m. A Consistorie; a Counsell house of, or Counsell held by, Prelats; a session, sitting, or assemblie of Ecclesiasticall persons.

Consistorié: m. ée: f. Censured, or determined of, in Consistorie.

Consistorier. To censure, or determine of, in Consistorie.

Consolateur: m. A consolator, solacer, comforter; also, a Corbell (in building;) or, as Console de bastiment. Consolation: f. Consolation, comfort, solace.

Consolde: f. Comfrey, or Consound, Wall-wort, Asse-eare.

Console de bastiment: f. A Corbell, or pendant of stone; a bracket, or cartridge, of timber.

Consolé: m. ée: f. Consolated, comforted, solaced.

Consoler. To comfort, solace; cherish, or cheere vp.

Consolidation: f. A consolidation, a strengthening, sound-making; a closing, or ioyning vp, as of a wound.

Consolidé: m. ée: f. Consolidated, made sound, healed, or closed vp.

Consolider. To consolidate, or make sound; to heale, or close vp, as a wound, or vlcer.

Consommé: m. ée: f. Consummated, accomplished, perfected, fulfilled, finished; summed vp. Consommé en Grammaire. A perfect, or absolute Grammarian. Consommé en bonnes lettres. A sound (and generall) Scholler.

Consommer. To consummate, accomplish, perfect, finish, fulfill; to make, or summe, vp.

Consonance: f. Consonance, accord, harmonie, concordance, agreement, good proportion.

Consonant. Consonant, accordant, harmonious, agreeing in sound, consorting with.

Consone. A Consonant.

Consoner. To accord, consort, agree, or sound, alike.

Consors: m. Consorts, mates, fellowes, complices, partakers, companions; also, neighbours, whose lands lye together. Consorte: f. ma Con. My wife, yoake-mate, bed-*fellow.

Consoulde: f. The hearbe Comfrey, Consound, Asse-eare, Knitbacke, Backwort.