Consoulde moyenne. Middle Consound, middle Comfrey, browne Bugle; also, the great white Daisie. Consoulde royale. Larks heele, Larks spurre, Larks toe, Larks claw, Monks hood, Kings Consound. La grande Consoulde. Comfrey Consound, great frey, &c, as Consoulde. La petite Consoulde. The ordinarie little Daisie, and Bruisewort; or, as Petite Consire. Consourde. as Consoulde. Conspection: f. A conspection, seeing, beholding.
Conspiration: f. A conspiracie.
Conspiré: m. ée: f. Conspired; contriued, or complotted; entred into a conspiracie, with others.
Conspirer. To conspire; to enter into a conspiracie; to ioyne, or agree, in a plot, or opinion, with others.
Constamment. Constantly, stedfastly, firmely, stably, vnremoueably, perseueringly, euer alike, in one manner.
Constance: f. Constancie, stabilitie, stedfastnesse, firmenesse, vnremoueablenesse, perseuerance, strength of continuance.
Constant. Constant, stedfast, firme, stable; durable, sure, setled, vnremoueable, perseuering, euer the same.
Conster. Il conste. (as the Latin Impersonall Constat) it is cleere, plaine, certaine, euident, manifest, apparant; generally agreed on, out of all doubt, without any manner of controuersie.
Constellation: f. A constellation, or assemblie of starres together in one signe.
Consternation: f. Consternation, astonishment, dismay; a great, or stupifying, feare.
Consterné: m. ée: f. Astonished, dismayed, amazed, amated, deiected in courage, heart-fallen; afraid.
Consterner. Ta astonish, dismay, amaze, dull, deiect, amate; affray.
Constipé: m. ée: f. Constipated; costiue, or bound in bellie.
Constitu: m. An order, institution, decree, sentence, constitution, ordinance, act, statute; a matter throughly enacted, or determined.
Constituant: m. He that appointeth to his place, or setteth in his roome, some other.
Constituant: m. ante: f. Constituting, making, creating; ordaining; appointing, assigning vnto; establishing; setling, or confirming in.
Constitué: m. ée: f. Constituted, made, ordained, created; appointed vnto, established, setled, confirmed, in; also, concluded. Constitué prisonnier. Taken prisoner; also, arrested, apprehended. Constitué sur vn'affaire. Imployed as a Committee, or Commissioner, in a matter. Rente constituée. A rent vpon morgage; or, a rent thats raised vpon, or procured by, money.
Constituer. To constitute, make, ordaine, create; appoint, or assigne vnto; also, to settle, establish; or, confirme, in. Constituer vne Rente sur. To raise a rent vpon; or, to charge with a Rent.
Constituëur: m. A constitutor, maker, ordainer, appointer, establisher, enactor.
Constitutif: m. iue: f. Constitutiue; making, ordaining, enacting, appointing. Parties constitutives de l'homme. The parts whereof he consists.
Constitution: f. A constitution, act, order, decree, determination, ordinance, appointment; also, the raysing of a Rent; also, the constitution, temper, or com-*
- plexion of the bodie.
Construction: f. A construction; composition, building, framing; also, a construing, or exposition of words.
Construict: m. icte: f. Made, built, framed; also, construed, or expounded.
Construire. To build, make, frame, found; also, to construe, or expound, words.
Constupration: f. A constupration, rauishing, deflouring, defiling of a woman.
Constuprer. To constuprate, rauish, defloure, defile a woman.
Consubstantial: m. ale: f. Consubstantiall; of the same substance, or stuffe whereof another is made.
Consubstantialité: f. Consubstantialitie; the being of the substance whereof another is made.
Consuivre. See Consuyvre. Consul: m. A Consull. (The old Romanes chose yearely two Consuls, to gouerne their citie, and command their Armies: In Paris, Les Consuls are fiue honest, and substantiall citizens, who determine all cases of debt (not exceeding 500 l. Tour.) betweene Marchant, and Marchant; Their authoritie continues but a yeare, and the vtmost punishment they can inflict is but imprisonment: In most Cities of Aquitaine the chiefe Gouernors are tearmed Consuls; the rest of the good townes in France haue such Consuls as Paris, by the names of, Les Iuges, & Consuls des Marchands.) Consulat: m. A Consulship; the office, or place, of a Consul.
Consultatif: m. iue: f. Consultatiue; consulting. Qui a voix consultative. Who (in a Court, or Counsell) propounds his opinion, deliuers his aduice, or giues his voice, as an Assistant; but neither concludes, nor determines, as Iudge.
Consultation: f. A consultation; a solemne deliberating, or discussing of; a deliberation, aduisement, or pawsing, on.
Consulte. as Consultation. Consulté. Consulted, deliberated, pondered of.
Consulter. To giue, or take, aduise; to consult, or deliberate; ponder, or thinke of; rest, or pause on, the matter.
Consulteur: m. A consultor; a counsellor; an aduiser; a demaunder, or giuer, of aduise.
Consumé: m. A Coulis.
Consumé: m. ée: f. Consumed, wasted, spent out, worne away, brought vnto nothing.
Consumer. To wast, consume, spend out, weare away, destroy, bring vnto nothing.
Consumption: f. A consumption; destruction; consuming, wasting, wearing out; pining away.
Consuyvre. To ouertake, reach, attaine vnto; also, to get, obtaine, atchieue.
Consyre: f. See Consire. Contablerie: f. A Constableship; the office of a Constable; or, place wherein his office is kept.
Contact: m. A mutuall touching, or carnall feeling, one of another.
Contadin: m. A countreyman, hind, swaine, clowne, boore, husbandman.
Contagieux. Contagious, infecting, pestilent.
Contagion: f. Contagion, infection, pestilent sicknesse.
Contaminé: m. ée: f. Defiled, polluted, contaminated; stained, violated.
Contaminer. To defile, pollute, contaminate; to staine, distaine, violate.
Contant. Telling, declaring, deliuering, reporting; also, counting, numbering, reckoning.
Argent contant. Sheere money, readie coyne.
Argent contant porte medecine. Looke Argent.