Vous vous abusez contant. You abuse your selfe openly, plainly, extreamely. Vous avez perdu tout contant. You haue flatly, vtterly, absolutely, lost.
Conte: m. An Earle. See Comte. Conté: f. An Earledome. See Comté. Conte: m. A storie, relation, historie; tale, fib, fable. See Compte. Contes de la Cigogne. Foolish, idle, vaine, fantasticall, stories; tales of a tub, or of a rosted horse. Contes de la quenouille. Old wiues tales. Fin de conte. To be briefe, to conclude, to come to an end; or, in the end of his tale. Ils en font leurs contes. It is their common table talke; tis growne to be a publicke, or ordinarie ieast among them. Vn conte attire l'autre: Prov. One tale drawes on another. De sot homme on n'en peut faire vn bon conte: Prov. A sots whole life affoords not one good tale.
Conte: m. An account. See Compte. Ie sçay le conte de mon argent. I know how much money I haue.
Contemné: m. ée: f. Contemned, despised, scorned, neglected, set at naught.
Contemnement: m. A contemning, despising, scorning, neglecting, setting at naught.
Contemner. To contemne, scorne, despise, neglect, make light of, set at nought.
Contemneur. A contemner, despiser, scorner; a disdainefull person; one that snuffes at euery thing, and likes nothing, or one that neglects, or disesteemes, another.
Contemperé: m. ée: f. Seasoned, mingled, tempered together.
Contemperer. To temper, season, qualifie, mingle one thing with another.
Contemplateur. A contemplator, great thinker, serious beholder of matters.
Contemplatif: m. iue: f. Contemplatiue, musing, thinking much, mind-beholding, meditating.
Contemplatifs: m. Certain Friers (of S. Marie Maudlins Order) who feed on all sorts of flesh, and weare blacke vpper habits, and white vnder ones.
Contemplation: f. Contemplation, deepe consideration, inward beholding of, profound musing on, a matter.
Contemplé: m. ée: f. Contemplated, deeply considered, or mused on.
Contemplement: m. A contemplating, deepe considering, profound musing; serious beholding of.
Contempler. To contemplate, muse, or meditate vpon; to behold seriously, to view with great earnestnesse, or affection.
Contempleur. as Contemplateur. Contemporain: m. aine: f. Of a like time, equall age, one standing; that liues in the same time.
Contempt: m. Contempt, scorne, despight, neglect.
Contemptible: com. Contemptible, abiect, base; fit to be scorned, neglected, disdained, sleightly regarded.
Contenance: f. The countenance, looke, cheere, visage, fauor; gesture, posture, behauior, carriage; presence, or composition of the whole bodie; also, the fanne, or little skreene, which women hold before their faces, to preserue them from the scorching heat of a great fire; also, the small looking glasse which some Ladies haue vsually hanging at their girdles; also, one of thir Snuffkins, or Muffes; (called so in times past when they vsed to play with it for feare of being out of countenance.)
Contenancé: m. ée: f. Countenanced, fauoured, graced. Maintien contenancé. Gracefull audacitie, comelie boldnesse; a constant, and pleasing set, or garbe of the countenance.
Contenancer. To countenance, fauor, grace, maintaine, giue countenance vnto; also, to frame, or set the face handsomely; to giue it a gracefull and constant garbe.
Contendre. To striue, contend, brable, debate, wrangle, iarre, be at oddes, or variance, with.
Contenir. To containe, hold, or comprehend; also, to bridle, restraine, moderate; keepe in. Se contenir. To refraine, forbeare, withhold from.
Content. Content, satisfied, pleased with what he hath; also, indifferent, which takes all things well. Coeur content & manteau sur l'espaule: Prov. In an honest estate, how meane soeuer, there is great contentment to be found. See Coeur. Contenté: m. ée: f. Contented, satisfied, satiated, fully pleased, throughly appeased.
Contentement: m. Satisfaction, contentment, full pleasure, or delight in; also, indifferencie. Faire contentement. To doe one reason, or giue him satisfaction.
Contenter. To content, satisfie, satiate, fulfill the mind, or appetite; also, to please; quiet, pacifie. Se Contenter. To liue at rest, be in peace, rest at ease; to quiet, please, content himselfe with. Assez a qui se contente: Prov. We say, a contented mind is a great treasure; or, is worth all.
Contentieusement. Contentiously, litigiously, debatefully, with much wrangling.
Contentieux: m. euse: f. Contentious, debatefull, wrangling, litigious, full of controuersie.
Contention: f. Contention, strife, debate, variance, controuersie, quarrelling; brawling, iarring, brabling.
Contentor. Droict de Registre, ou de con. is xl. s. Tour. vpon euery Charter; The fee of the Audienciers of Chaunceries.
Contenu: m. uë: f. Contained, comprehended, held in.
Contenuë: f. Capacitie; or, a containing.
Conter. To tell, say, speake, report, deliuer, declare, expresse, relate, reckon vp. Tu m'en veux conter. Thou are disposed to talke. Tu nous en contes bien. Tis a wise tale you tell vs; or, such a tale pist a goose. Vn homme qui conte vingt & onze. A coxcombe, noddypeake, ninnyhammer.
Contereau. as Comptereau. A bill of reckoning, &c.
Conterolle: m. as Contreroolle. Contesse: f. A Countesse; the wife of an Earle.
Contestablement. By way of protestation.
Contestation: f. A contestation; a protestation, taking, or calling to witnesse; also, a contesting, striuing, debating, reasoning, brabling about a matter; also, a contestation against; a gainsaying, denying, or waging, of Law.
Contestation de cause. An opening, before a Iudge, the points contained in the Bill and Answer.
Contestation en cause. A Rule giuen by the Iudge vpon the said opening; or the waging of Law by the defendant, hauing made a default, or being put from his other helpes.
Contestation feinte, is but a flourish or shew of contestation, by reason, or vertue, of defaults.