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Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/259

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Crée: f. as Croye. Creé: m. creée: f. Created, made, framed, formed; chosen, ordained, established; also, marked with chalke.

Créer. To create, make, forme, frame, giue the first being vnto; also, to chuse, ordaine, establish; also, as Croyer; to marke with chalke.

Creiche: f. A cratch, racke, Oxe-stall, or crib; also, a Bullace, or small plumme.

Cremaillée. as Cremaillere. Cremaillere: f. A hooke to hang any thing on; especially a pot-hooke, or pot-hanger.

Cremant. Fearing, dreading.

Cremasteres. Two sinewes, or muskles, wherby the cods do hang: ¶Rab. Creme: f. Creame.

Cremeau. as Cresmeau. Cremeu. Fearefull, or full of dread. (v.m.) Cremeur: f. Feare, dread; also, a creamie, or milkie disposition, or humor.

Cremillée, & Cremillére. as Cremaillere. Cremir. To feare, to dread.

Cren: m. A breach, or snip in a knife, toole, &c; a notch in a score; a nocke in a bow, or arrow; also, the cleft, or clouen neb of a pen; also, the nicke of an Indenture; or iag about the edge of a leafe.

Crene: f. as Cren. Crené: m. ée: f. Nicked, snipped, broken into; nocked, notched; iagged, indented.

Creneau: m. A nooke, or corner.

Creneaux. as Carneaux; the battlements of a wall.

Crenelé: m. ée: f. Imbattled; made into, or fashioned like, battlements; or, as Crené. Creneler. To imbattle; to make into, or fashion like, battlements.

Creneleure: f. An imbattling; a making into, or like vnto, battlements.

Crenequin. as Cranequin, or Crennequin. Creneure: f. A iagging, nicking, notching; indenting; or an imbattling, or making into square notches.

Crenne. as Cren. Crennequin. as Cranequin; or (as some interpret it) a fashion of horsemans head-peece, resembling the Helmet.

Crennequinier. as Cranequinier; or, a Crossebow-*man armed with a fashion of head-peece that resembles an Helmet.

Crenquenier: m. A Catchpole, Sergeant; or Officer, that can execute, or serue Executions.

Crenure. as Creneure; and as Cren. Crepature: f. A bursting, cracking, riuing asunder.

Crepelu. as Crespu. Crepez, ou Crepets: m. Fritters; also, Wafers.

Crepillé: m. ée: f. Frizled, curled.

Crepiller. To frizle, or curle.

Crépine: f. as Crespine. Crepir. as Crespir; To parget.

Crepissage: m. Pargetting, rough-casting.

Crepisseure. as Crespisseure. Crepitation: f. A creaking, crashing, crackling, ratling noyse.

Creppe. as Crespe. Crepuscule: m. The twilight; (either in the euening, or morning.)

Crepusculin: m. ine: f. Betweene day and night, of the twilight.

Crescent: m. as Croissant; an halfe-Moone.

Cresche. as Creiche; a cratch, racke, or crib.

Creseau: m. Kersie.

Creseul: m. A Cruzet, or Crurible; a Goldsmithes melting pot.

Cresme: m. The Crisome, or oyle wherewith a Baptized child is annointed; (And because it is to be blessed, by a Bishop, before it be vsed, it signifies) also, a Dioces. Homme de bon cresme. An open-hearted, good-natured, plaine-dealing, man.

Cresme: f. Creame.

Cresmé: m. ée: f. Fleeted, creamed, or, whose creame is scummed off; also, full of creame.

Cresmeau: m. The Crisome wherwith a child is annointed (in Popish Churches;) or (more properly) the cloth, or Christening cap, thats put on the head of the child as soone as it hath beene annointed.

Cresnette: f. A pen-knife; or, a sharpe, and small graffing knife.

Crespe: m. Cipres; also, Cobweb Lawne. Crespe de chaperon. A Crepine; the Crepine of a French-hood (most commonly of Cobweb Lawne, or white Cipres.)

Crespe: com. Curled, frizled; crisped; also, crispe.

Crespé: m. ée: f. The same; also, crackled, creaked; crashed.

Crespelet: m. ette: f. Curled, frizled, crisped, a little.

Crespelu. as Crespelet. Crespelure: f. A curling, frizling, ruffling.

Crespément. Crispingly; frizlingly, curlingly.

Cresper. To crackle, or creake, as new shooes, or drie stickes that are layed in the fire; also, to crash between the teeth (a thing thats crispe, or brittle;) also, to crisp, curle, frizle, ruffle, braid; also, to sleeke, make to shine, or glitter.

Crespi: m. Parget, rough-cast.

Crespi: m. ie: f. Pargetted, rough-cast; also, curled, or frizled. Femme crespie de couleurs. Whose face is all-to-be-*dawbed, or plaistered ouer, with painting.

Crespillé: m. ée: f. Frizled, curled, crisped.

Crespiller. To frizle, to curle, to crispe.

Crespillonné. as Crespu. Crespillonner. as Crespiller. Crespin: m. A proper name for a man; and, the name of a certaine Saint, who is Patron to Shoomakers; whence; Apprenti de S. Crespin. A Shoomaker. Lance de S. Crespin. An Awle.

Crespine: f. The Crepine of a French-hood. Crespine de chevreau. The call of a Kid. Crespine du ciel. The skie, the coape of heauen.

Crespinette: f. A third kind of Knot-graße, held (by some) to be Gerards Knawell, or Parsley peart .

Crespir. To parget, or rough-cast; also, to curle.

Crespissement: m. A pargetting, rough-casting; curling.

Crespisseure: f. A pargetting, rough-casting.

Crespon: m. A curled, or frizled locke.

Crespu: m. uë: f. Curled, frizled, ruffled, crisped; sleeked, shining.

Cresserelle. as Crecerelle; a Rattle, or Clacke for children; also, a Kestrell, Stanniell, Fleingall.

Cressiné. Crackled, or clattered; also, chattered.

Cressiner. To creake, or crackle, or clatter. Cressiner des dents. To chatter; to say an Apes Paternoster.

Cresson: m. The hearbe tearmed Karres, or Cresses.
  Cresson alenois. Kerse, garden Cresses, towne Karres, towne Cresses.
  Cresson d'eau. as Cresson de ruisseau.
  Cresson de ruisseau. Water Karres, water Cres-*