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*ses, browne Creßes. Petit cresson aquatique. Little water Cresses, or Cuckow flowers.

Cressonadiere: f. A bed of Cresses, or place where they grow.

Cressonniere: f. The place, bed, or plot whereon Cresses grow; also, a woman that ordinarily sells Cresses.

Creste: f. A crest, cop, combe; also, a tuft, or little plume standing on the top of. La creste des cheveux. The seame of the head, or parting of the haire in the middle of the head. Creste au coq, ou, de coq. The hearbe Coxcombe, Penie-grasse, yellow and white Rattle; also, the hearbe Clarie. La creste d'un fer de cheval. A welt about a horse-*shooe. Creste à geline. as Creste au coq; Coxcombe. Creste marine. Sampier, sea Fennell, Crestmarine. Fourni d'entendement comme vn oison de creste. As wise as a Woodcocke.

Cresté: m. ée: f. Crested, copped, adorned with a combe.

Cresteaux: m. The battlements of a wall, &c.

Crestelé. murs crestelez. Imbattled, hauing battlements.

Crester. Crested, combed; hauing a crest, or combe. Iamais tigneux n'aima le pigne, ny chapon crester geline: Prov. The guiltie cannot abide reproofe, nor a weake man a woman.

Crete. as Creste; and hence; Crete marine. as Creste marine; Sampier. Crete: com. Gay, fine, gawdie, spruce, neat.

Cretelé. tour creteleé d'argent. Imbattled siluer.

Cretisme. Lying; falshood, or falsenesse, in words.

Cretonart: m. The drug tearmed Zedoarie, or Serapions Zedoarie.

Cretons: m. The crispie peeces, or mammockes, remaining of lard, that hath beene first shred, then boiled, and then strained through a cloth, &c.

Creu: m. Groweth; increase, &c; as Cru. Creu: m. euë: f. Growne, waxen, increased; (The Participle of Croistre;) also, trusted, credited, beleeued; (of Croire.) Il veut estre creu. He will stand to his owne opinion, none shall ouerrule him; (Crue de;) He will haue what he propounds, or appoints, to passe for currant; he will haue things to goe as he list himselfe.

Crevacé: m. ée: f. Riuen, cleft, chinked, chawned, chapped.

Crevailles. Il nous invita à ses crevailles. He inuited vs vnto his bursting; (spoken of a huge fat-guts.)

Crevasse: f. A creuis, chinke, rift, cleft, chap, chawne. Crevasses d'un cheval. Cratches, or Rats-tailes in a horses legs. Crevasses du fondement. The Piles, or Emrods.

Crevassé: m. ée: f. as Crevacé. Crevasser. To chop, chawne, chap, chinke, riue, or cleaue asunder.

Creuë: f. A groweth, accesse, rising; augmentation; increase, eeking; also, a fifteene; or any other increase of Subsidie. De creuë. Ouer and besides, moreouer.

Crevé: m. ée: f. Burst, broken, riuen asunder.

Creve-coeur: m. Hearts-sore, heart-breaking sorrow, extreame griefe of heart, anguish of spirit. À creve-coeur. Sore against the will; or to despight, or breake, his heart withall.

Crevellé. muraille crevellée. See Crenelé.

Creventrissime. An ironicall allusion vnto Reverendissime. Crever. To burst, or breake asunder; to chinke, riue, cleeue, or chawne. Crever les yeux à. To put, plucke, or dig, out the eyes of.

Crevette: f. A Shrimpe, or Prawne. Petite crevette de riviere. The Beard, or fresh-water Shrimpe.

Creveure: f. as Crevasse; a chinke, cleft, rift.

Creusé: m. ée: f. Hollowed, made hollow; vndermined, vnder-digged.

Creusement: m. A hollowing, or making hollow; an vndermining, a digging into, or vnder.

Creuser. To hollow, make hollow, dig into, or vnder; to vndermine.

Creuset: m. A Crurible, Cruzet, or Cruet; a little earthen pot, wherein Goldsmithes melt their siluer, &c.

Creux: m. A caue, hole, hollow place, or corner. Le creux de l'estomach. The hole, or pit of the stomacke. Le creux des mains. The palme, or middle of the palme, of the hands.

Creux: m. creuse: f. Hollow, deepe, caued, full of holes. Racine creuse. The hearbe Holewort, or Hollow-*root. Songer creux. To muse deepely of a matter. Teste creuse. A shallow braine. La viande creuse (asçavoir, les bestes à deux pieds) Wenches, trulls, female raskalls.

Creziou: m. as Creseul: ¶Rab. Cri: m. A crie, clamor, skrike; showt; an outcrie, lowd noyse, acclamation; also, a Proclamation. Le cri, & les Armes. The name, title, qualitie; Armes, Deuice, or Scutcheon of a noble familie; belonging onely, or chiefely (at least) vnto the eldest heire (as he pretends.) À cor, & à cri. See Cry. En bas cri. Whisperingly; or, in a low, and still voyce.

Criage: m. The Cryers fee; also, a crying, or proclaiming of; also, a Criership; or, the Office, or place, of a publicke Crier.

Criaillé. Bawled, cried, squeaked out often and alowd; spoken earnestly, protested vehemently.

Criaillement: m. A bawling; as Criaillerie. Criailler. To bawle, crie, or squeake out often, & alowd; to speake high and earnestly; to protest with great vehemencie.

Criaillerie: f. Lowd babling, or brawling; a clamorous vrging, or protestation.

Criailleur: m. A bawling fellow, clamorous person; a lowd and importunate speaker; one who with his high speaking deafes all that are about him.

Criard: m. arde: f. Clamorous, out-crying, full of noise; that does nothing but bawle, bray, and crie out.

Criarde: f. A scowld; an vnquiet woman of her tongue.

Criblage: m. A sifting.

Crible: m. A siue, or sifter; raunging siue.

Criblé: m. ée: f. Sifted, raunged.

Cribler. To sift, or to raunge.

Cribleur: m. A sifter. Cribleure; or, Criblure: f. A sifting, or raunging of meale; also, siftings.

Cribleux: m. euse: f. Siue-like; full of holes as a siue; also, full of siues.
  Os cribleux. The bone Etmoïde, whereof the top of the nose is made; so tearmed, because it is full of little