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Judges of, the formes represented vnto it.

Critiquer. To play the Criticke; to controll, or correct what another hath done; also, to shew the signes of it selfe; or, to foreshew, by signes, what will succeed. La maladie critiquoit. Came to a Crisis, or, altered on a criticall day.

Critiqueur: m. A Criticke; a Controller, or Corrector of other mens works, or doings.

Croäc: m. The croaking of Rauens, Frogs, or Toads.

Croäceux: m. euse: f. Croaking, as a Rauen, &c.

Croäillement: m. The croaking of a Rauen, or Toad.

Croäiller. To croake like a Rauen, or Toad.

Croäillerie: f. The croaking of a Rauen, or Toad.

Croäilleur: m. A croaker.

Croäilleur: m. eure. as Croäilleux. Croäilleux: m. euse: f. Often croaking, full of croaking, vsing much to croake.

Croäquer. To croake as a Rauen.

Croässement. as Croäillement. Croässer. To croake like a Rauen, or Toad. Croässeur: m. A croaker, a croaking Rauen, or Toad; one that cries like a Rauen, or croakes like a Toad.

Croc: m. A graple, or great hooke. Donner le croc en jambe à. To ouerthrow, foile, ouerturne; supplant. Vn proces pendu au croc. A suit put off, deferred, or hanging by the wall; the like is; Sac au croc. A suit vndecided.

Croce. A Crosier, or Bishops staffe; also, a kind of game; See Crosse. Crocer. as Crosser; To play at Cricket. Envoyer croçer. To send packing; See Crosser. Crocette: f. A vine-slip; a small twig, or shoot of a vine, springing from the staulke, and fit to be planted.

Croceux. as Croäceux. Croché: m. ée: f. Crooked, hooked; as Crochu. Crochement des dents. The crookednesse, or outward bending of the teeth, or tusks.

Crochet: m. A small hooke, or fish-hooke; also, a nut-hooke; or, a kind of hooke wherewith Mulberries bee gathered; also, a grubbing forke, or hooke-like instrument, wherewith the earth is digged, or turned vp; also, the double skrue-hooke whereat saddles be hung vp in Stables; also, the tush, tuske, or fang of a beast; also, a Quauer in Musicke; also, a place in, or part of, a market, wherein many things are confusedly sold together; also, a Romane Beame, or Stelleere; a beame of yron or wood full of nickes, or notches, along which a certaine peize of lead, &c, playing, and at length setling towards the one end, shewes the iust weight of a commoditie hanging by a hooke at the other end. Le crochet d'un crocheteur. The forke, or crooked staffe, vsed by a (burthen-bearing) Porter. Clou à crochet. A tenter hooke. À crochets. Cleauing one to another; by heaps, or hudling one among another. Donner le crochet à. To trip, cast, ouerturne, ouer-*throw. Il ne faut aller aux Meures sans crochet: Prov. Mulberries must not be gathered without a hooke; nor harsh worke fingered with naked hands.

Crocheté: m. ée: f. Picked open with a hooke; also, hanged on a hooke.

Crocheter. To open, picke open, with a hooke, &c; also, to hang on a hooke.

Crocheterie: f. A picking of lockes.

Crocheteur. A Porter, or common burthen-bearer.

  Crocheteur de serrures. A pick-locke, a filtcher, or filtching theefe. Il les fit crocheteurs. He laid load on them.

Crocheton. A peece of siluer money, worth about iij. s. ix. d. sterl. Crochu: m. The Cormorant tearmed, a Sea-Drake.

Crochu: m.uë: f. Hooked, crooked, bowed downwards, or inwards. Avoir les maines crochuës. Looke Main. Crochuë: f. A Quauer in Musicke; whence; Il a des crochuës en teste. (We say) his head is full of crochets.

Crochuëment des dents. The crookednesse, or bending out of the teeth, or tuskes.

Crochure: f. Crookednesse, hookednesse.

Crociteur. as Crocheteur de serrures. Crocodile: m. A Crocodile. Le petit crocodile. The small Crocodile tearmed Scinque. Crocodilée: f. A medicine, made of some parts of a Crocodile, for the suffusions, and webs of eyes.

Crocomagnie. An ointment made of Saffron; also, the dregs of Saffron oyle.

Crocqué. as Croqué. Crocquer. as Croquer. Crocquer la pie. To wet the whistle, or weason, throughly; to drinke hard.

Crocqueter. as Croqueter. Crocute. The Corcute; a monster begot of a Lyonesse by the Hyena.

Croie. as Croye; Chalke. Croier. as Croyer. Croire. To beleeue, or thinke assuredly; to trust, haue confidēce in, giue credit vnto; also, to lend, put in trust with, commit into the hands of; also, as Croyer; and thence; Si vous ne le voulez croire, charbonnez-le. If you will not (chalke, or) beleeue him, bleach him. Et pour le faire croire. And to make it be beleeued. S'en faire croire. To ouerrule, preuaile in, make himselfe sure of; absolutely, or at his owne pleasure to dispose of; also, to winne, gaine, or haue, credit by; &c; as in Accroire. Si m'en croyez. If you credit, relie on, or will be ruled by, me. Ne croire à Dieu que sur bons gages, ou à bonnes enseignes. To trust no man further than hee sees him; to beleeue no promise, nor protestation before the deed be done. Fol ne croit iusques à tant qu'il reçoit: Prov. The foole beleeues not till he do receiue (the whole fruit of his owne hopes, or of other mens promises.) Pour neant demande conseil qui ne le veut croire: Prov. In vaine he craues aduice that will not follow it. Qui femme croit, & asne meine, son corps ne sera ia sans peine: Pro. He that trusts a woman, and leads an Asse, is neuer without one trouble or other.

Crois: f. as Croix. Croisade: f. An expedition of Christians, assembled, out of diuers countries, (by preachings, and the Popes Bulls) against the Turkes, or other Infidels; tearmed so, because euerie one of them, when he vndertakes the iourney, accepts of, and weares on his cassocke, or coat armour, the badge of the Crosse. Croisades. Crossings.

Croisadeur: m. A croßer; he that crosses, or sets, or makes the signe of the Crosse on himselfe, or others.