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holes like a siue.

Cricaille: f. Chinkes, coine.

Cride. A publike Crier.

Cridons: m. Certaine thicke haires of a pinnes length, which vex, & paine children in their turning, as much as if they had so many thornes, in their backs.

Crie: f. A Proclamation, Crie, or outcrie; also, a Criers fee; also, a Crier.

Crié: m. ée: f. Cried, skreeked, showted, hallowed; exclaimed of, complained on; also, proclaimed.

Criée: f. Any Proclamation, crie, or outcrie; whence also, an outrope, or outcrie of goods (tearmed more commonly than properly, a Portsale, which is rather a present sale of fish in Hauens;) also, a crying, exclaiming, bawling, braying. Criées. The publication of a future seisure, & sale of a mans goods, made by a Sergeant, or Crier, at the doore of his parish Church, on sundrie dayes, & sundrie times, before the seisure, or sale, be executed.

Criement: m. A crying, calling, showting; an exclaiming, railing, complaining, crying out against, a proclaiming; also, a wrangling, brabling, brawling.

Crier. To crie, skreeke; hallow, showt; bray, bawle; exclaime, complaine of, crie out vpon; also, to wrangle, brawle, brable, contend in words; also, to proclaime; to summon, signifie, denounce by proclamation. Crier harol. To make hue & crie after; or to exclaime vpon, &c; Seeke Harol. Crier au lard sur. To flowt, deride, scoffe at publickly; to disgrace with outcries, and acclamations. Crier au regnard l'un sur l'autre. To reuile extreamely, raile on bitterly one another. On crie le loup plus grand qu'il n'est: Prov. Report makes mischiefes greater than they be. La pire rouë du chariot est celle qui crie le plus fort: Prov. The worst wheele of the wagon is that which creakes most; the most ignorant sot in assemblies talkes highest; and the veriest cow in a companie brags most. On plume l'oye sans la faire crier: Prov. Looke Oye. Tandis que le chien crie le loup s'enfuit: Prov. While the dog doth nought but barke, the wolfe hath leasure to escape. Tant crie on Noel qu'il vient: Prov. We call so oft on Christmas, that at length it comes. Trop tard crie l'oiseau quand il est prins: Prov. Too late cries the bird when shee is taken; too late comes repentance when we are sure of punishment; or we repent vs too late of wrongs done when wee are paying for them.

Crierie: f. A showt, exclamation, bawling, or crying out.

Crieur: m. A Crier; proclaimer; exclaimer.
  Crieurs de trespassez. Certaine Bell-men, who attired in blacke, & bearing on either side of their gowns the Armes of one thats lately dead, go vp and downe the streets tinging their bells, and publishing his death, and the time, and place, of his buriall; at which they march before the coarse, attired, and tinging, as before: In Paris there be 24 of them; all which are neuer imployed except it be at the funerall of the King, or Queene; for at others (how great soeuer) there must be but 23 at the most.
  Crieurs de vin. Wine-criers; those that publish throughout the neighbour streets the names, and dwelling places of such as haue wine to sell; together with the price tis held at, and goodnesse it is of; which to

approue, they carrie some of it in a pot, and a siluer cup, to giue any man, that demaunds, a tast of it.

Crignon: m. A field Cricket, or Grassehopper.

Crime: m. A crime, fault, offence; imputation.

Criminalité: f. Criminalitie; a criminall action, case, or cause.

Crimination: f. A crimination, or accrimination; an accusing of, or charging with, a crime.

Criminatoire: com. Criminatorie, accusatorie; criminall, accusing.

Criminel: m. A malefactor, guiltie person, offendor; the defendant in a criminall action, or accusation; the prisoner at the barre; also, an accuser.

Criminel: m. elle: f. Criminall; guiltie, faultie, culpable; also, capitall, or, of life and death; whence; Iuge criminel. The Judge that sits on life and death. Lieutenant criminel. The same; See Lieutenant. Criminellement. Criminally; culpably, faultily, guiltily; also, capitally.

Crimineux: m. euse: f. Faultfull, naughtie, lewd, wicked, subiect vnto accusation.

Crin: m. A haire; See Crins. Il n'est si petit crin qui ne porte son ombte: Prov. The smallest haire hath it shadow; the least act a circumstance; the lowest word a sound.

Crineux: m. euse: f. Hairie, full of haire.

Criniere: f. A haire-cloth; also, a hood for a horse; also, a Crannet; armor for the necke, or mane, of a horse; also, haire; or a locke, or tuft of haire; whence; Criniere horrible. An ouglie bush of haire. Verte criniere. The haires of trees; viz. the boughes, or branches.

Crinons des cheminées. Crickets: ¶Pic. Il a beaucoup de crinons en la teste. His head is troubled, or full of crochets; he is much perplexed in his thoughts. Crinons en teste gastent la feste: Prov. Looke Teste. Crins. les crins. The haires; haire. Les crins d'un cheval, &c. The mane of a horse, &c.

Cripaulme. as Agripaulme; The hearbe Mother-*wort.

Criquemelette: f. A crackling, rustling, ruffing, or huffing wench; one that bustles, or brushes the ground, as she goes.

Criquement: m. A creaking, crackling, ratling; bustling, rumbling, rustling.

Criquer. To creake, rattle, crackle; bustle, rumble, rustle.

Criqueter. as Criquer; Also, to knacke, or knap with the fingers. Criqueter des dents. To gnash, or chatter with the teeth.

Crise: f. The Judgement of Physicke vpon the alteration of a disease; also, the conflict betweene nature, and the disease.

Crissant. Crackling, or creaking; or crashing.

Crissement: m. A creaking, as of a doore; a crashing, as of things broken; a whistling, as of the wind; any such lowd, or shrill noise.

Cristal: m. Crystall.

Cristalin: m. ine: f. Crystallie, crystall-like; white, and transparent, as crystall; of, or belonging to, crystall.
  Humeur cristalin. The crystaline humour; seated in the middest of the eye, and of a round figure, somewhat flattened both before and behind; it is the first instrument of sight; and a glasse wherin the spirit examines,