Decollation Sainct Iean. An holyday kept the 29 of August.
Decombres: f. Looke Descombres. Decompter. See Descompter. Deconte. A preposterous numbring, or reckoning backwards; Looke Descompt. Decoration: f. A decoration, beautifying, bedecking, adorning, garnishing, trimming, gracing.
Decoré: m. ée: f. Decked, adorned, graced, trimmed, beautified.
Decore: com. Handsome, comelie, gracefull, seemelie, beautifull, with a good Decorum. Decorement. as Decoration. Decorer. To decorate, garnish, adorne, trimme, grace, beautifie, make gorgeous, set forth vnto the eye.
Decoucher. See Descoucher. Decoulé: m. ée: f. Flowed, runne, glid, or fallen (gently) downeward; slipped away; also, faded, wasted, consumed, come vnto nothing.
Decoulement: m. A flowing, running, or falling downward; a fading, consuming, melting away.
Decouler. To flow, runne, or fall (gently) downward; to glide, or slip away; to fade, consume, come vnto nothing.
Decoulouré: m. ée: f. Discoloured; pale, bleake, wan, lew.
Decoulourement. A staining, discolouring, or loosing of colour.
Decoulourer. To staine, discolour, take away the colour of.
Decoupé: m. ée: f. Cut downe, cut off; pared, or cut away; slit, sliced.
Decouper. To cut downe, or cut off; to pare, or cut away; to slice; to slit.
Decoupure: f. A cutting, paring; slicing; slitting. Par decoupures. Peecemeale, in slices, by slits.
Decourir. To runne downe; to hast, or hy apace; also, to purge downewards.
Decouronné: m. ée: f. Vncrowned; bereaued of a Crowne.
Decouronner. To vncrowne; or depriue of a Crowne.
Decours: m. A course, a streame, a running; a passing ouer; the time a man hath past through; the end of his course. Decours de la Lune. The wayne, decrease, or later age of the Moone.
Decouru: m. uë: f. Runne downe; hasted, hyed; also, purged downewards.
Decoustemens: m. Costs, and charges.
Decramponné: m. ée: f. Vnhooked, vnclasped, vndone.
Decramponner. To vnhooke, vnclaspe, vndoe.
Decrassé: m. ée: f. Looke Descrassé. Decrasser. To cleanse, or rid from filth; Looke Descrasser. Decrepite: com. Decrepite, verie old; whose candle is almost burnt out; that hath one foot alreadie in the graue.
Decrepiteux: m. euse: f. Full of agednesse, and aches.
Decrepitude: f. Extreame agednesse.
Decret: m. A Statute, Ordnance, or Decree; also, a Sentence, or Order passed in Court for the sale of a debtors goods, alreadie seised into the hands of Iustice.
Decretales. The Decretals; Bookes containing the Decrees of sundrie Popes.
Decretaliarche: m. An absolute Commaunder; one that commaunds by decrees; or, whose commaund is,
and is obeyed as, a Decree.
Decretant: m. The creditor, at whose suit a debtors goods are decreed to be sold.
Decretant. Ordering, ordaining, decreeing.
Decretation: f. An Order passed in Court for the sale of a debtors goods; or, a proceeding thereby.
Decreté: m. The debtor whose goods, after a publicke seisure, are ordered to be sold.
Decreté: m. ée: f. Decreed, enacted, ordered, ordained, awarded, appointed.
Decreter. To order, ordaine, decree, enact, establish, award, appoint; also, to giue a iudgement, passe an order, in Court, for the sale of a debtors goods.
Decroire. To vnbeleeue; or, not to beleeue; to distrust, or, thinke otherwise of then he hath done.
Decroissant. Decreasing, wayning, lessening.
Decroistre. To lessen, decrease, wayne; weare away.
Decroter; Decrotoire. See Descroter, &c. Decrustation: f. A decrustation, vncrusting; a paring away of the vppermost part, or outmost rind.
Decrusté: m. ée: f. Vncrusted; bared of crust, or whose crust is pared away.
Decruster. To vncrust; to pare off the vppermost part, barke, or crust of.
Decuisant. Boyling, or seething very much.
Decuit: m. itte: f. Vnsodden; made raw againe; also, boyled, or sodden, very much.
Deculpé: m. ée: f. Excused, purged, iustified, deliuered from imputation, discharged of blame.
Deculper. To excuse; purge; deliuer from imputation, or discharge of blame.
Decumane. Large, mightie, huge, as big as tenne. Rab. Porte Decumane. The chiefest gate of the Romane campe.
Decuple: com. Tenne times as much.
Decurie: f. A band of tenne, Senatours, or Souldiors; (a diuision of much vse among the auncient Romanes.)
Dedalé. Intricate, perplexed; Dedalian, Maze-*like.
Dedaler. To make a Maze, or Laberinth.
Dedans. Within, inwardly, in. Dedans ou dehors. Fast, or loose (a Iuglers phrase.) Estre dedans. To be drunken, to be in drinke.
Dedans-terré. Vpland, or inland.
Dedens. as Dedans. Dedicace: f. A dedication, a consecration; a giuing for euer.
Dedicasse, & Dedication. as Dedicace. Dedié: m. ée: f. Dedicated, deuoted, consecrated.
Dedier. To dedicate, deuote, or giue for euer.
Dedoré: m. ée: f. Vngilt.
Dedorer. To vngild.
Deduction: f. A deduction; diminution, abatement, withdrawing, deducting; also, a guiding.
Deduire. To deduct, abate, plucke backe; diminish part of a summe; to draw out, or withdraw; also, to handle, intreat, or discourse of. Se deduire. To sport, or solace himselfe; to take pleasure, and delight in.
Deduisant. Deducting, abating; intreating, discoursing of.
Deduit: m. Delectation, sport, pastime, solace, pleasure, delight.
Deduite: f. A Deduction, Diminution, Abatement.