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Deesse: f. A Goddesse.

Defaillance: f. A fayling, languor, faintnesse; defect, want, lacke, defection; also, a fainting. Defaillance de coeur. A swonding; when all strength failes one by reason that the orifice of his stomacke is ill affected.

Defaillancé. Fainted, languished, out of heart, growne feeble, decayed, worne, or withered away.

Defaillant. Fayling, defectiue; fainting, pining, decaying; wanting, lacking, making a default.

Defaille: f. A default, defect, or fayling; a pining, languishing, or wearing away.

Defaillement: m. as Defaille. Defaillir. To decay, languish, pine, faint, wax feeble, weare, or wither away; also, to want, lacke, faile; to be away, or wanting; to make a default.

Defaitte: f. A defeat, or ouerthrow; also, proportion, shape, shew, making (but outward;) also, any sleight vsed by a Hare for the auoiding of the dogs that pursue her. Il est de belle defaitte; He is faire to look on, or faire in shew, but otherwise of little worth; also (simply) he is of a goodlie presence.

Defalqué: m. Defaulked, deduced, deducted, bated, abated, taken out of.

Defalquer. To defaulke, deduce, diminish, cut off, or take away part of; See Deffalquer. Defané: m. ée: f. Vnwithered; recouered, restored to it former life, or freshnesse.

Defardé: m. ée: f. Vnpainted; whose painting is worne, wyped, or washed away.

Defarder. To vnpaint; to wash, take, or wype off, painting.

Defaroucher. as Desfaroucher. To make tame.

Defaucillé: m. ée: f. Put out of ioint.

Defauciller. To put out of ioint.

Defaveur: f. Disfauor; losse, or lacke of fauor.

Default, ou defaut: m. A default, fault, offence, defect; want of apparance before a Iudge; the default which dogs are sometimes at in hunting; any want, lack, penurie, scantnesse, or scarcenesse; a defection. Default d'homme. Want, or omission, of due homage, and fealtie. Default simple, ou pur. Looke Simple. Default. (The third person of the present tense of Defaillir.) Rien ne me default. I want nothing.

Defaux. The ground, or pasture wherein a beast should not be; or, wherein it is a trespasser; or, as Default. Defectueux: m. euse: f. Defectiue; wanting, lacking, fayling, maimed, full of defects.

Defectuosité: f. Lacke, want, defect, maymednesse.

Defedation: f. A fowling, soyling, filing, defiling, stayning, spotting of.

Defence. as Defense. Defences. Defences, flankes, casemats, and such like parts of fortification, prouided for the safegard of those that make good a Place beleaguered; also, the tuskes of a wild Bore.

Defendant. Defending, sauing, shielding, preseruing.

Defendeur: m. A defendor, or protector; also, a defendant; a partie challenged, accused, or sued.

Defendo. A play with bits of bread (ranked one by another) which the player counts with certaine words, and the last his words end on, he takes, whether it be little, or great. ¶Rab.

Defendre. To defend, saue, guard, ward, shield; preserue, maintaine; protect, patrocinate, sustaine; also, to forbid the doing of a thing.

  Harnois ne vaut rien qui ne defend: Prov. The Armour is worth nothing that defends not.

Defensable. Defendable, defensible, which may be defended, guarded, or preserued.

Defense: f. A defence, a defending; a preseruation, safegard, protection; a fence, or fortification; also, an iniunction, prohibition, forbidding; also, a reply, answer, argument, or allegation vsed, or vrged in defence. Defenses. as Defences. Se couper soy mesme par les defenses. To accuse, by meaning to excuse, himselfe.

Defenseur. as Defendeur. A defender, or defendant.

Defensible. as Defensable. Defensif: m. A defensatiue; a medicine that keepes humors from comming vnto a sore, or place affected; or hinders the inflamation thereof.

Defensif: m. iue: f. Defensiue, defending.

Defensoire: com. Defensorie, which defendeth, guardeth, or preserueth.

Defequé: m. ée: f. Cleansed, fined, purged, purified.

Defequer. To fine, purge, cleanse, purifie.

Deferé: m. ée: f. Charged, appeached, accused; also, admitted, allowed, accepted of; yeelded vnto.

Deferer. To charge, accuse, appeach. Deferer à vn appel. To admit, allow, or accept of; to giue way vnto, an Appeale. Deferer à vne compaigne. To yeeld, referre, or attribute much vnto, a companie.

Defermer. as Desfermer. To open, vnshut; loosse, vndoe.

Deferrer. See Desferrer. Deferrure: f. An vnshooing, or casting of a shooe.

Defeublé: m. ée: f. Vnclasped; vnmuffled; open, discouered, vncouered, vnclothed.

Defeubler. To vnclaspe, vnbutton; vnmuffle; open, discouer, vncouer; put by, or cast off, the clothes that hide, or pester.

Deffaicte. as Desfaicte. Deffaire, & Deffait; as Desfaire, & Desfaict. Deffalqué: m. ée: f. Defaulked, deducted, bated, abated.

Deffalquer. To defaulke, deduct, bate, abate.

Deffascher. Looke Desfascher. Deffaveur: f. Disfauor; want, or losse, of (accustomed) fauor.

Deffault. as Default. Deffavorisé: m. ée: f. Disfauoured, out of fauour.

Deffavoriser. To disfauour, not to fauour, to withdraw his fauour from.

Deffectueux de ses membres. Maimed, lame, impotent, wanting his limmes, or the vse of them.

Deffené. Hay-fed; or, as Affené; inseamed with Hay. Mon estomac est bien à poinct deffené, & aggrené. My stomacke is throughly furnished, hath drinke, and meat enough in it; (for seeing that fené signifies withered, or dryed, as Hay, deffené a Priuatiue may perhaps, for a need, be taken for wet, moistened, or fresh.)

Deffensatrice: f. A defendresse.

Deffermé: m. ée: f. Opened; vnshut; vndone.

Deffermer. To open; to vnshut, or vndoe a thing shut.

Defferré: m. ée: f. Vnshooed, as a horse; also, the yron whereof is taken, or plucked off.

Defferrer. To vnshooe a horse, &c; and (more generally) to take, or plucke off, the yron from any thing.