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  Se Defferrer l'un l'autre. To ruine one another; See Desferrer. Deffiamment. Mistrustfully, diffidently, distrustfully.

Deffiance: f. Distrust, diffidence, mistrust.

Deffier. To mistrust; (Looke Desfier;) also, to defeat; also, as Defier. Deffilé: m. ée: f. Vntwisted, rauelled; also, disordered; Seeke Desfilé. Deffiler. To vntwist, vnspinne, loosse, rauell; also, to put out of his ranke, or file; also, to take off a file.

Deffileure: f. An vntwisting, rauelling; disordering; displacing.

Deffleurer. To rase, scotch, or scratch; Looke Desfleurer, or Defleurer. Defformité. as Difformité. Deffortune: m. Misfortune, mischance.

Deffortuné: m. ée: f. Vnfortunate.

Deffouir. To dig vp, to vnearth, to take out of the earth.

Deffrayer. as Defrayer. Deffriché. as Defriché; Grubd vp, &c.

Deffroncer. To vnfrounce, vnwrinckle, vncrumple.

Deffrongner. The same; and (as the same) to smooth the forehead, or leaue frowning.

Deffroqué: m. ée: f. Stripped, vnclothed.

Deffuler. as Defeubler, or Desfuler. Defi: m. A challenge, defy, prouocation, defiance.

Defiance: f. A defying, or defiance.

Defiché: m. ée: f. Vnfixed, loossed, vnfastened.

Deficher. To loosse, vnfix, vnfasten.

Defié. Defyed, prouoked, or challenged to fight, or contend.

Defiement: m. A defying, or challenging to fight.

Defier. To defie, challenge, prouoke, or call vnto fight, or contention.

Defiguré: m. ée: f. Disfigured, deformed, mishapen, defaced; whose fashion is marred.

Defigurement: m. A disfiguring, disgracing, mishaping, defacing; a marring of the fashion of.

Defigurer. To disfigure, deforme, deface, disgrace; to spoyle the fashion, marre the figure of.

Defilé: m. ée: f. Rauelled.

Se Defiler. To rauell, as cloth, stuffe, silke, or linnen cloth after it is cut.

Defilocher. as Defiler. To rauell.

Defiloter. The same.

Definant. Pining, wasting, consuming, wearing away; also, blasting, taking, suddainely benumming.

Definé: m. ée: f. Wasted, consumed, worne, fallen away; at an end, come to nothing; also, blasted, or taken.

Definement: m. A pining, wasting, consuming, wearing, or falling away. (Le Definement du monde. The later end of the world;) also, a blasting, taking, suddaine benumming, or putrefaction of a member.

Definer. To pine, consume, waste, weare away; also, to blast, or suddainely benumme (a member, &c.)

Definir. To define; conclude, determine, or discusse; precisely to expresse; fully to describe, exactly to declare.

Definitif: m. iue: f. Definitiue; which limitteth, expresseth, describeth, or determineth, fully; which makes a full end of.

Definition: f. A definition; exact description; precise limitation; short, and full declaration; a defining; apt, and iust expressing; true, and liuelie describing.

Definitivement. Definitiuely, determinately, expressely, precisely, fully.

Deflamé: m. ée: f. Whose flame is extinguished, or put out.

Deflamer. To quench, extinguish; put out, or take away, the flame of.

Defleuré: m. ée: f. Deflowred; distained; defiled, violated; whose floures be cropped, or shed.

Defleurer. To defloure; to defile; to crop the flower of; to distaine, violate, blemish, diminish the chiefest grace, and beautie of a thing. Se defleurer. as Defleurir. Defleurir. To shed, or let fall it flowers; hence, to loose the beautie, or grace, which erst it had; or, it former beautie to fade, faile, or fall away.

Se Deflicher. To plucke an arrow, or arrowes out of his (owne) bodie.

Defloration. A deflowring; the change from a flourishing colour to the contrarie.

Se Deflorer. as Defleurir. Defluer. To flow, or to runne, as water, or a sore.

Defluxion: f. A Defluxion, Rhewme, Catarrhe.

Defoncé. as Desfoncé. Knockt out, as the head of a wine-vessell, &c.

Deforcé: m. ée: f. Dispossessed, disseised.

Deforcer. To disseise, dispossesse, violently take, forcibly plucke from.

Deformation. A deforming, disfiguring, defacing; disgracing.

Deformé: m. ée: f. Deformed, defaced, disfigured, made ouglie; disgraced.

Deformer. To deforme, disfigure, deface, make ouglie; disgrace.

Defortifié: m. ée: f. Vnfortified; rased.

Defortifier. To vnfortifie; to rase a fortification.

Defoulé: m. ée: f. Troden, trampled on; also, taunted, rebuked, reproched.

Defoulement. A treading, or trampling on; also, a taunting, rebuking, reproching.

Defouler. To tread, or trample on; also, to rebuke, reproch, taunt, or take vp.

Defraudateur. A defrauder, deceiuer, beguiler; lurcher.

Defraudé: m. ée: f. Defrauded, beguiled.

Defraudement: m. A defrauding, deceiuing, beguiling.

Defrauder. To defraud, beguile, cousen, deceiue, imbeasill, or take away the profit belonging to another.

Defrayé: m. ée: f. Defrayed; discharged; acquited.

Defrayer. To defray; to discharge; to furnish, or beare, all the charges of.

Defrayeur: m. A Cater, or Steward; one that in a iourney furnishes, and defrayes the prouision, and expence of the whole companie.

Defreloqué: m. ée: f. Torne, ragged, tattered; that hath not a whole clout on him.

Defreloquer. To teare into rags, make tatters of.

Defrichage: m. The shrubbing, or grubbing vp of yong wood, or bushes; any such preparation, or worke, fitting land for tillage.

Defriché. Grubd, rid of bushes, roots, &c, hindering the Plough; prepared, or first broken vp for tillage; made arable.

Defrichement: m. A grubbing, shrubbing, ridding the ground from bushes, and thereby to make it arable; a preparation, or breaking vp for tillage.