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also, set on edge, as a tooth; also, blunted, as a weapon.

Agaceant. Egging, vrging, angring, prouoking, exasperating; also, setting on edge, the teeth; blunting weapons.

Agacement: m. An egging, vrging, angring, prouoking, exasperating; also, a setting of the teeth on edge; also, a dulling, or blunting of weapons.

Agacer. To egge, vrge, prouoke, anger, vex, exasperate; also, to set the teeth on edge; also, to blunt, or dull a weapon, &c.

Agache. as Agasse. Agaillardé: m. eé: f. Growne liuely, iocond, blithe, frolicke.

s'Agaillarder. To be iocond, liuely, blithe, frolicke, merrie.

Agalloche: m. The sweet wood called, Lignum Aloes.

Agamber. To step, or stride ouer.

Aganni: m. ie: f. Withered, faded, consumed, growne fruitlesse, depriued of force.

Agannir. To consume, wither, vade, faile, grow fruitlesse, loose all vigour, and force.

Agaric: m. Agaricke; a white, and soft mushrome, or excrescence growing vpon the Larch tree; also, a root in Sarmatia, that helpes disgestion. Agaric noir. A heauie, poisonous, and blackish kind of Agaricke; full of little sinewie threads.

Agart. Looke Hagard. Agasse: f. A Pie, Piannet, or Magatapie.

Agassé: m. ée: f. as Agacé. Agasser. as Agaçer. Agasseté: f. Bluntnesse in an edged toole.

Agasseur: m. An egger, vrger, prouoker, exasperater.

Agassin. A corne, or agnele in the feet, or toes; also, the lowest bud, or braunch of a vine.

Agassure. as Agasseté; and, as Agacement. Agathe. An Agate.

Agathonien: m. enne: f. Wanton, lasciuious, bawdie, full of ribaldrie; (of Agatho, the name of a certaine wanton Minstrell.)

Agay: m. The marrow of fowle; (a Faulconers tearme.)

Agazer. as Agacer. Ageancé: m. ée: f. Fitted, adapted, adiusted, set handsomely, placed orderly.

Ageancement. Seeke Agencement. Ageancer. as Agencer. Agelaste: com. Sad, sullen; that neuer laugheth: ¶Grec. Agember. as Agamber. Agencé: m. ée: f. Fitted, apted, adapted, adiusted, proportioned, accommodated; ordered; dressed, trimmed, decked, handsomely; fitly disposed, finely placed, featly suited, rightly matched, iustly applied.

Agencement: m. A fitting, apting, iust placing, setting in order; an adapting, accommodating; a trimming, dressing, decking; also, sutablenesse, handsomenesse, good proportion.

Agencer. To fit, apt, adapt, adiust, proportion, accommodate; also, to dresse, trim, decke; to dispose fitly, set featly, place finely, sute rightly, match iustly, ioyne handsomely together.

Agenouillé: m. ée: f. Kneeled; on his knees, kneeling.

Agenouiller. To kneele. A la quenouille le fol s'agenouille: Pro. The foole submits himselfe to his proud wife.

Agenouillon. Kneeling, or vpon his knees.

Agent: m. An Agent, a dealer, Negotiator, Embassador.

Agesimos. A wondering voyce, or exclamation.

Aggere: m. A heape of stones, earth, or turues; and hence, a bulwarke, mount, rampier, made for the defence of a fort, or campe; also, a fort, or blockehouse; also, a causey, banke, damme, sea-wall, hill of earth raysed against, or seruing to keepe out, waters.

Agglué: m. ée: f. Glued; ioyned close vnto, or together.

Aggluer. To glue; to ioyne, as with glue; to close vnto, or together. s'Aggluer à: To cleaue, or sticke fast vnto.

Agglutinatif: m. iue: f. Of power, or propertie, to glue, or close together.

Agglutinement: m. A gluing, or closing vnto, or together.

Agglutiner. as Aggluer. Aggraffe: f. A hooke, a grapple; a haspe, or claspe.

Aggraffement. A hooking, clasping, buckling, grapling to; a hasping; seizing, or taking hold of.

Aggraffer. To grapple, or claspe with; to hooke vnto; to buckle, to haspe; to seize, gripe, take hard, or violent hold of.

Aggrandi: m. ie: f. Greatened, inlarged; augmented, increased; preferred, aduanced.

Aggrandir. To greaten, augment, inlarge, increase, make great, preferre, aduance.

Aggrandissement: m. A greatning, inlarging, increase; preferment, aduancement.

Aggrandisseur: m. An inlarger, increaser, augmenter; preferrer, aduancer.

Aggravanté: m. ée: f. Aggrauated, exasperated.

Aggravanter. To aggrauate, exasperate, make more hainous, or grieuous.

Aggravation: f. A aggrauation, or aggrauating; also, a curse, excommunication, or execration denounced against an obstinat offendor.

Aggravé: m. ée: f. as Aggravanté; also, made heauy, surcharged, swayed, or borne downe, by ouer-much weight; also, grauelled, or, as a ship, fast on the ground. Aggravé des pieds. Surbated, foundered, foot-beaten. Aggravé de somme. Fast asleepe, in a dead sleepe.

Aggraver. To aggrauate, exasperate, make more hainous, or grieuous than it was; also, to make heauie, surcharge, oppresse; to sway, or beare downe, by weight. s'Aggraver. To be grauelled; to sticke fast on ground, or in the grauell.

Aggreable[*missing :] com. Agreeable, acceptable, gracefull, gracious, delectable, welcome, well liked.

Aggréer. To agree, or sute with; to be acceptable, welcome, or pleasing vnto.

Aggregé: m. ée: f. aggregated, congregated; ioyned, added vnto.

Aggreger. To assemble, aggregate, congregate, gather together; also, to adde, or ioyne vnto a societie; also, to aggrauate.

Aggrené: m. ée: f. Fed, filled, or inseamed, with corne, or graine.

Aggrener. To feed, or fill with with corne, or graine; to take vp a horse, or coult from graße, and inseame him with corne or prouender; Seeke Agrener. Aggressé: m. ée: f. Assaulted, assailed, set on.

Aggressement. An assaulting, or setting on.

Aggresser. To aßaile, aßault, set on.

Aggresseur. An aßayler, or aßaulter; he that giues the onset, or first layes hands on his weapon, to doe another violence.

Aggression. An aggression, aßault, incounter, or first.