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setting on.

Aggriffer. as Aggripper; or, as Griffer. Aggripper. To gripe, seize hard, lay sure hold on.

Agian: m. A bearing cloth for a child; also, a beere-cloth for a dead corps.

Agiaux. Ceremonies; Looke Agios; or the Plurall to Agian. Agiers: m. The steps, wayes, or turnings to be obserued for the readie comming vnto a house, or place.

Agile: com. Nimble, agile, actiue; quicke, prompt; of supple members, or parts; of a readie stirring.

Agilement. Nimbly, actiuely, with agilitie; quickely, promptly, supplely, readily.

Agilité: f. Agilitie, nimblenesse, actiuitie; promptnesse, readinesse, quicknesse, dexteritie; supplenesse of members, or of parts.

Agiographe. A holy writing; holy Writ.

Agios. Sacred, holy; ¶ Grec. hence; Faire beaucoup d'agios. To be verie scrupulous, or ceremonious; or, rather, to vse many blessings, crossings, or superstitious gestures in the doing of any thing.

Agiotare: m. A holy and blessed man.

Agir. To sue, implead, plead, commence suit, bring an action against; also, to worke, operate, worke effect, haue an operation in.

Agitant. Tossing, much mouing, reuoluing, wagging, stirring vp and downe.

Agitation. An agitation, stirring, great motion, much exercise, reuolution, working, wagging.

Agité: m. ée: f. Tossed, wagged, agitated, much moued, stirred, exercised, reuolued.

Agiter. To tosse, agitate; wag, stir, moue often; to reuolue, worke, exercise, verie much.

Agnafile. A kind of Moorish Trumpet.

Agnation: f. Kindred by the fathers side; also, (but lesse properly) adoption; also, a thing that growes beside, or aboue, the course of nature.

Agneau: m. A Lambe. Blanche d'agneaux. The furre called, white Lambe, or, white Budge. Autant maniable comme vn agneau. as meeke as a Lambe. Brebis trop apprivoiseé de trop d'agneaux est tetteé: Prov. The gentle Ewe is suckt by too many Lambs; (appliable to an ouer-kind, or too familiar, woman.) De mal est venu l'agneau & à mal retourne la peau: Prov. To naught it goes that came from naughtinesse.

Agnelé: m. ée: f. Lambed.

Agnelement: m. A lambing; a falling of Lambs.

Agneler: m. The same; and thence; A l'agneler verra on lesquelles sont prains: Prov. At lambing time we find what Ewes were full.

Agneler. To lambe.

Agnelet: m. A little Lambe; a Lambkin, or young Lambe.

Agnelette. as Agneliere. Agneliere: f. Th'inmost of the three membranes which enwrap a wombe-lodged infant; called by some Midwiues, the Coyfe, or Biggin of the child; by others, the childs shirt.

Agnelin: m. Lambes furre, Budge.

Agobilles: f. Trifles, nifles, trinkets, trash, trumperie, paultrie stuffe.

Agonarque: m. A Master of the Reuels; a President, or chiefe Iudge; a principall author, or directer, of publick exercises, playes, or games.

Agonie: f. Agonie, griefe, perplexitie, anguish, anxietie,

vexation of mind.

Agoniser. To grieue extreamely; to be much perplexed, full of agonie, fraught with anguish.

Agoranome: m. The Clearke, or Comptroller, of a Market.

Agoubilles. as Agobilles. Agoué: m. ée: f. Halfe choked, wel-nigh stifled (as one that hath a bone, or gobbet in his throat, which will neither vp, nor downe;) also, cloyed, saded, ouer-glutted, ouer-full.

Agoure de lin. (The weed) Dodder.

Agouster. To haue a smacke, or tast of.

Agoutter. To drop, as raine from a house eaue.

Agouttis: m. The eauings of a house.

Agrandir. as Aggrandir. Agraffe. as Agraphe. Agrailir. Looke Agreslir. Agrailissement. A lessening; a making thinne, small, slender.

Agraphe: f. A claspe; hooke; brace; grapple; haspe.

Agrapher. To buckle, grapple, haspe, claspe; to hooke vnto; to seize, gripe, or take hold of.

Agraphiner. To seize, gripe, lay his clawes on, take hold of.

A-gré. Willingly, with a good will.

Agreable. as Aggreable. Agreableté: f. Agreeablenesse, acceptablenesse; comelinesse, gracefulnesse.

Agreation: f. An agreement, concord, assent, consent; also, an agreeing.

Agrené. Inseamed, fed, or, filled, with corne.

Agrener. as Aggrener. Agrener le moulin. To fill the mill hopper (with corne.)

Agrerer. To chuse, part, or lay out his part of the fruites of his land let out to parts.

Agreslir. To make, or become thin, leane, small, slender; to lessen, to narrow. Agreslir la voix. To squeale, or squeake; to sing in a high pitch; to rise in singing.

Agressé: m. ée: f. Aßaulted, set on.

Agresseur. as Aggresseur. Agreste: com. Sower, tart, or sharpe, as verges; also, rude; clownish, rustical, vngentle, boorish.

Agricole: m. A husbandman, plowman, countrey Farmer.

Agriculture. Tillage, husbandrie.

Agrier: m. droit d'agrier. as Terrage. Agriere: f. Seeke Terrage. Agrimenseur: m. A Surueyor, or measurer of land.

Agrimoine. as Aigremoine. Agriotat. The iuyce, or syrop of tart cherries.

Agriotte: f. The ordinarie sharpe, or tart cherrie; which we also call, the Agriot cherrie.

Agripaulme. The hearbe Motherwort.

Agrippine. poudre Ag. Meat that prouokes lust; leacherous stuffe.

s'Agrouper. A horse to knit, and gather himselfe close together, carrying himselfe vpon his hinder parts, and drawing them vp, as if hee would yearke out behind.

Agu: m. uë: f. Keene, sharpe, small-topped, or pointed; piercing; smart; subtile, wittie, ingenious; eagre, vehement.

Aguafile: f. A kind of Moorish Trumpet.

Aguard. as Hagard.

Aguelette. la tunique a. A thinne soft skin, or shirt, wherein children are wrapped in the matrix, besides their bed, or after birth, which is more grosse